Comey is so gay.
>IRS collection scam
Got to do something about these IRS collection scams.
Quick trials and executions. Only way.
I’m an enabler.
Comey took this pic while lying on the ground high on some kind of tribal elixir. Only a person tripping balls could think that picture was worthy to post. Oh cool man look at the forest down here because I’m like a tree that fell in the woods, dead and decayed. So many questions. I can’t get up.
Chuck Todd and NBC cooking up a Russia Hoax with the help of former Intelligence Figures ‘Is Actual Collusion’ you desperate little bastard.
Sears Holdings. They’re not bringing their best folks. Sad. Many such cases. Bad management. They should sell things people want to buy! MAGA!
I’ve been waiting for one of those. Thanks
Meuller is comprised 3 ways to Sunday. My question is if the BAKED IN GRU email Hack bullshit is planned misinformation from POTUS direction or a cabal delay tactic?
Tough choice.