Lethal in the dark.
Lethal in the dark.
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'''As I said tonight with @seanhannity don’t waste your time reading #MuellerDossier instead read a real report done by House Intel Committee
Republicans - finished over a year ago - Cost 30M less and doesn’t read like a really bad Russian Spy novel!'''
[PDF // 253 pages]
LOL! Just caught this. Need original Honey Badger video…
Bill Barr is the Honey Badger.
Honey Badger ain't scared of nothing. Broad shoulders, loose skin.
Chuck Schumer? Honey Badger don't care.
Gerry Nadler? Honey Badger don't care.
Nancy Pelosi? Honey Badger don't care.
>QAnon Believers Crushed After Mueller Report Fails to Lead to Hillary Clinton’s Arrest
Sommer, in an odd way actually is very helpful to anons
He points out the crazy loud anons that seek attention // they are usually WRONG // about almost everything // likely comped // and probably Paytriots
Real Patriots know better and what's up
Sommers articles are nothing more than amusing