Anonymous ID: 223328 April 18, 2019, 10:30 p.m. No.6235977   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6035 >>6189

>>6235441 pb

I think it's an authentic image of Uncle John.

I'm thinking Assange was part of a breeding program. John Trump is too old to be his father And they look closer than father - son.

So I'm thinking since John was an engineering genius / inventor they used his biological code, Yah. A breeding program.

They look too close.

A small corroboration. I don't want to go too long here. But George Swigert and Dave , his brother ?- Their Dad invented the cellphone, or some major component / patent for it.

(Remember that it will be important later )

Dave is 6 years older but looks too close in appearance to be an natural brother only. I think they are twins. That also explains the vry weird dynamics between then. They were mistaken as twins when they were young, despite the age disparity… I think they were part of a breeding program too. And that they were happy with Dave, and decided to make another copy. Kept the fetus frozen.

[rumored for how Merkel is Hitler's daughter, but frozen sperm is not necessary in her case]

George Sweigert embodies a "Super - soldier" type of profile. That's why I also thought of it. Unusual stamina and intelligence.

So the clincher

George says he knew Assange when Assange was a boy in the Dardenelles of AU. There was a program there for gifted young people which Assange was enrolled, according to George S.

Assange and the Dardenelles connects to Anne Hamilton -Byrne who did breed children.

Assange's mother has said they were on the run from the Anne Hamilton - Byrne cult when Julian was a boy - yet the story doesn't completely add up.. An escapee from the cult "daughter" Sarah, (wrote a book about it; now close to impossible to obtain) was the whistle blower to the operation.

A super - long story but it' looks like mother "Anne" of the cult "sold the boys" or that's what Sarah believed

. They started out collecting children of both sexes, but later on there were only girls.

You 've probably seen the image of what looks like Assange as a boy with the group?

" mother" bleached all their hair platinum blond so they'd look more like each other - since they were not biologically related, and were offspring from different people some of whom had been matched up for breeding purposes, But when they traveled they needed to appear as one family. And the platinum blond hair was to help the group to pass as siblings.

There's much much more to this story.

I'm thinking now as I go over it. The cult members were all nurses doctors and social workers who provided children to the "mother" Anne. So maybe they found a way to breed special children? It's definite they were breeding children for whatever. Sale?

Hamilton - Byrne [also not her real name] never suffered consequences for all the child abuse; she was "in with" high AU government officials.

It could just be a crazy synchronicity. To me, I think Uncle John and Assange are like twins?

Uncle John doesn't really look like POTUS father either?

But Swigert's father and John Trump were both very high level electricity -related inventors. So , there's something there.

Anonymous ID: 223328 April 18, 2019, 10:46 p.m. No.6236134   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6147 >>6168 >>6212 >>6315 >>6470


but Skippy was one of the initiators.

His word was cited as evidence!

Isn't tht conflict of interest.


Especially since the whole Russia Collusion adventure was an attempt to mis-direct from the crimes eluded to in the email cache.

Wow. we always knew he was ballsy.

they just digging themselves in deeper and deeper.

Anonymous ID: 223328 April 18, 2019, 10:50 p.m. No.6236159   🗄️.is 🔗kun


The lady on the right is a columnist for NYPost.

Her husband next to her took the fake image of the 'demon ghost in smoke" on the side of the Trade Tower before it disintegrated.

Her name is PEYSER

I was thinking Payseur ?

They look like this royal couple and even have the same first names.