I must say, I am just beginning to take in the reports about the Mueller report, and I was on here earlier calling Trump too soft after the Barr press conference. I just read about this Don McGahn / Corey Lewandowski episode and wow, I can see that I was wrong. The President is not soft, but he's surrounded by pussies. It's absolutely incredible how soft the people are that he had to rely on up til now. These jokers around the President didn't want to trigger the APPEARANCE of a Saturday Night Massacre. Oh woe is me!! The appearances of it all!! What a bunch of pussies. The sheer pussification of these grown men is astounded. How easily they were inverted. This whole attack on Trump has been an inversion attack from the very beginning. Hello you idiot McGahn! You are not stuck in a situation resembling what Nixon was dealing with. It only seems that way because you're under a projection/inversion attack! Goddamn how can these people be so stupid to become total wimps WHEN YOU'RE UNDER ATTACK!
These are the kind of people that would flee in battle when the first gunshots were fired and wind up getting people killed in friendly fire when shit hit the fan.
I'm so proud of Trump for ordering that Mueller be fired in June 2017. I also have to say if I were him and I were surrounded by pussies I might just have fallen for this whole wait and see thing too. It's a shame the President couldn't find any aides with BALLSACKS that could see what this attack on the Presidency was from the very beginning: inversion, projection, and a direct attack on the American people themselves in attacking Trump's legitimacy by proxy. Make no mistake, this entire hoax and attack was and is an attack on the American people by a sycophantic American oligarchic hegemony that is desperately clinging to its ill-gotten powers.
When the President is surrounded by pussies that go soft when the going gets tough: God help us all because never forget that attacks on the President are attacks on the American voters by proxy.