Anonymous ID: db437d April 18, 2019, 10:36 p.m. No.6236041   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6219 >>6404 >>6502

El Salvador aid groups warn that Trump’s decision to cut assistance will increase migration


Aid groups are warning that President Trump's threat to cut off aid to El Salvador would worsen the humanitarian crisis at the border.

“This is a serious problem and not a short-term solution,” said Ken Baker, CEO of Glasswing International, a group that funds community schools and emergency health centers for poor Salvadorans in violent areas.

Most foreign aid funding is allocated to rural areas of the country, ones that lack schools and medical clinics and suffer rampant violence and poverty. Salvadorans often decide to make the grueling, life-threatening trip north to escape those conditions. Humanitarian groups say that by the time they reach the U.S.-Mexico border, the window for problem-solving has closed.


Bill O’Keefe, executive vice president for mission and mobilization at Catholic Relief Services, said the logic of cutting foreign aid is “completely counterproductive.” His organization teaches Salvadoran farmers sustainable techniques, crop diversification, and marketing of the cash crop cacao, as well as providing vocational training and job placement support.

O'Keefe says that the group has been working closely with Congress to find ways to keep Salvadorans in their native country by helping people in rural areas get better education and farm better.


Foreign aid is primarily sent to individual contractors and religious organizations like Catholic Relief Services. The Salvadoran government has little say in how these funds are allocated, because aid is meant to help the citizens rather than help out politicians. Charitable organizations on the ground decide how to spend money and how it can directly help citizens, whether it is meant to rebuild schools, open medical facilities, or provide job training.

Anonymous ID: db437d April 18, 2019, 10:40 p.m. No.6236080   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Giuliani: Counter report coming probably next week


It appears that the release of special counsel Robert Mueller’s report Thursday went better than President Trump and his lawyers expected.

A counter report to rebut parts of Mueller’s report has been in the works for months now, but Trump attorney Rudy Giuliani said Thursday that he was going to hold off on releasing it.

“Right now, we kind of like the way the discussion is going,” Giuliani said on CNN Thursday night.

“It’s basically done, and the question is when do we put it out? You're flooded with so much material and frankly right now the discussion seems to be pretty clear,” Giuliani said. “We'll put it out. We'll put it out maybe — probably not until after the weekend.”

Giuliani said the counter report is comprised of two sections and will probably be about 45 pages long.

Anonymous ID: db437d April 18, 2019, 10:45 p.m. No.6236119   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6263 >>6375

There Are No Moderate Democratic Presidential Candidates For 2020


In a party that is tilting hard to the left, moderation in the 2020 race is now a function of personality, not policy stances, which must inevitably cater to radicals.


The truth about the 2020 Democratic field is that there are no moderates if, by that term, we mean those prepared to appeal to independents and Republicans as candidates who oppose the excesses of their party’s radicals. Nor do any seem capable, let alone willing to repeat, Bill Clinton’s “Sister Souljah moment,” when he established himself as someone prepared to stake out territory in the center of the political spectrum.


That’s a shame in a party where, according to Gallup, 34 percent consider themselves moderate and 13 percent conservative. In other words, there might actually be room for a genuine moderate. But no such person will be among those running. That speaks volumes about the strength of Democratic radicals and what will likely shape up to be a race in which, despite Trump’s flaws and unpresidential demeanor, he may not have much trouble convincing voters that his opponent isn’t part of the political mainstream.