Trump exonerated Trump. The report shows there is NO evidence to proceed with criminal charges.
Our justice system is not guilty and proven to be innocent, its the other way around.
1st they havent established a predicate to even open an investigation on "collusion" or on "obstruction"
If they were worried about RU getting Trump campaign to work with them, they shouldve briefed the campaign on the actions of the RU. They didnt because it was them attempting to entrap
The mueller investigation, has no FACTS, lots of conjecture, lots of unsubstantiated claims.
If there was no crime committed, you cannot obstruct. You cannot have obstruction, based upon Mccabe feeling as though xyz
Basic laws anon's. This witch hunt from start to finish (and continuing on) is to color the presidency.
It is my opinion that, anyone high profile, is living under the movie "enemy of the state" everyone, and especially Trump because of how he went after Barry and the birth certificate. Barry had an axe to grind, and when rumblings of Trump running for office, he hit the switch, and everything has been about covering this fact up.