what do we have here?
Full Moon Rising!
โถAnonymous 08/02/18 (Thu) 00:09:17 dbde9b (12) No.2407708>>2407849 >>3012332
Newfag/Normie Operating Procedures for QResearch
With all the new visitors QResearch is receiving, I felt it was time for Notable Posts that teach newfags/normies how the board and Qresearch operate. Unless otherwise indicated, all posts are from the "Pass The Exam" thread, which is actually called QBOARD QUESTIONS, located at https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/1254488.html
Welcome to Q Research (README FIRST, THEN PROCEED TO LURK) https://8ch.net/qresearch/welcome.html
Warning memes for newfags - important info: >>1254934
IMPORTANT - BO's (Board Owner's) terms/definitions, rules, and tips: >>1771638
Useful sites and archives:
The Index: https://8ch.net/qresearch/index.html
The Catalog: https://8ch.net/qresearch/catalog.html
>>1267491 >>1308685 >>1606382 >>1335348
Abbreviations/definitions for Q posts and anon comments:
>>1256484 >>1304713 >>1265125 >>1388949
The Phonetic Alphabet: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/NATO_phonetic_alphabet
The Mechanics of Operating within the QResearch Boards
Ads on the boards on 8chan: >>2051263 >>2112227
Bumping and spoiler image discussion: >>1478590 >>1481844
Chan culture: >>1335845 >>1507247
Citing posts located in an earlier bread: >>1266432
Determining how many times an ID has posted within a single bread: >>1326145 >>1328314
Determining the bread number that a cited post originates from: >>1255806 >>1269872 >>1427470 >>1262573
Editing posts, removing files, filtering: >>1267223 >>1267503
Embedding a video into a post: >>1255602 >>1292931
Explanation of some details about Q, the research process, and the Great Awakening movement: >>1519833 >>1525185 >>1529484
Features of the board: >>1335363
Figuring out the delta time stamps: >>1283243 >>1284034
Filtering posts that you don't want to see: >>1254890 >>1264527 >>1264977 >>1408703
Finding posts you've made in past breads: >>1268203 >>1269659 >>1269014
Formatting text: >>1265070 >>1265076 >>1346748 >>1348283 >>1354902 >>1756010
Getting to the next board when the one you're one has 751 posts (you can also use the Index or the Catalog): >>1255103 >>1255150 >>1747751 >>1752344
Interpreting the Catalog and its entries - what do the numbers mean?: >>1255497 >>1408551 >>1255664 >>1579100 >>1504182 >>1506721
Locating and collapsing the Index: >>2112123 >>2112182
Notifying the baker about notable posts: >>1264549 >>1265098 >>1265051
Participating in threads that exceed 750 posts: >>1255103 >>1255178
Posting from Tor: >>1322412 >>1335353 >>1330987
Q's posts and anons' replies: >>1337130 >>1337172 >>1337306
Searching across multiple breads (not just within a bread): >>1321128 >>1322570
Telling time the military way (24-hr clock): >>1370553
The shock of learning about the degenerate Deep State and redpilling other people: >>1335851 >>1358051 >>1654920 >>1764625 >>1830741
Viewing posts that are cited (i.e., the red numbers that follow two right-pointing arrows): >>1408931
What does a BV (board volunteer do)? >>1328453 >>1328492
What is shilling? >>1265738 >>1335831 >>1268132 >>1265600 >>1267151 >>1265910 >>1271382 >>1271543 >>1410420 >>1849235
What is the mass exodus of resignations all about?: >>1337401 >>1337671
What is the significance of the term "suicide watch"?: >>1344356 >>1408660 >>1352025
Why we leave the Name, Email, and Subject blocks empty when replying or posting: >>1532680 >>1539700