Why Crazy Bernie will lose in 2020
Fifteen months from now, Democrats will nominate their least electable (with the possible exception of Kamala Harris) candidate for U.S. president, who will then go down in flames. This is not just because he's a Castro-loving nut who traveled to Russia to bond with his fellow commies in the 1980s — voters have short memories and will forgive or ignore history that ancient. And Democrats themselves would not lose sleep over the irony of pitching Crazy Bernie after years of collusion delusion. The specific reasons for Crazy's pending loss (if he lives that long) are as follows.
First: Crazy is too old for change or rebranding. He is an old-school, fleck-spittle socialist, a believer in working-class unity against the exploiters. He does not follow the tribal segmentation practices of modern-day identitarian Democrats.
Second: Crazy turns off the Wall Street money men. Although the West Coast techies are nearly there, the single largest Democrat fundraising pool remains Greater New York–area investment bank and hedge fund executives and their wives each giving the legal $2,700-a-pop to candidates.
Third: Crazy will turn off the dedicated pro-Israel machine, most of which (believe it or not) is somehow still Democrat.
Fourth: This last one is speculative but realistic. Ahead of the election, POTUS Trump could pull the rug out from under Crazy's "Bernie Bro" hipster asylum by ceasing enforcement of the federal prohibition on marijuana, essentially decriminalizing the drug nationwide.
To quote Mel Gibson's character as he overlooks the slaughter at Camden in The Patriot, "this battle was over before it began."