Anonymous ID: c41716 April 19, 2019, 1:11 p.m. No.6242860   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2930 >>3188 >>3420 >>3532

WTF? Haftar is Mossad/C_A previous digs prove this


Trump Thanks Gen. Haftar For "Securing Libya’s Oil Resources" Amid Tripoli Fighting


In a sharp reversal of longstanding US policy which recognizes only the UN-backed Government of National Accord (GNA) in Tripoli as the legitimate authority over Libya, the White House on Friday said President Trump spoke by phone this week to Benghazi based commander Kalifa Haftar, pledging support to the general and his Libyan National Army (LNA) as it lays siege to the capital.


The White House statement said Trump “recognized Field Marshal Haftar’s significant role in fighting terrorism and securing Libya’s oil resources, and the two discussed a shared vision for Libya’s transition to a stable, democratic political system.”



The White House readout said the two discussed “ongoing counterterrorism efforts and the need to achieve peace and stability in Libya.”


Interestingly in early April Secretary of State Mike Pompeo had urged in a statement for Haftar to halt his advance: “We have made clear that we oppose the military offensive by Khalifa Haftar’s forces and urge the immediate halt to these military operations against the Libyan capital,” Pompeo said at the time.


Haftar — who solidified control of Eastern Libya over the past two years and swept through the south in January, seeks to capture Tripoli and seize military control of the entire country, and has over the past weeks made inroads into the capital.

Anonymous ID: c41716 April 19, 2019, 1:12 p.m. No.6242893   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3188 >>3420 >>3532

Ecuador turns to Interpol to arrest former foreign minister & Assange supporter Patino


The former foreign minister of Ecuador will be placed on Interpol’s Red Notice list, after fleeing the country for fear of prosecution, as the government of Lenin Moreno continues to crack down on Julian Assange’s supporters.


“The attorney general’s office began a criminal process against Ricardo Patino for the alleged crime of instigation,” the office said in a statement on Thursday. “[Patino] had given a speech in which he instigated people to take over public institutions and close roads.”


Besides his alleged anti-government activities, Patino is also being sought for his supposed links to Swedish software developer Ola Bini, who was arrested last week on suspicions of ‘hacking’ for WikiLeaks.


While authorities conduct their investigation, the judge ordered Patino to be held in pre-trial detention. Patino, however, is nowhere to be found, after reportedly fleeing Ecuador to Peru on Wednesday night. Ecuador requested that Interpol issue a Red Notice on the former foreign minister –who’d served under president Rafael Correa– which asks foreign countries to locate and provisionally arrest the fugitive, pending extradition.

Anonymous ID: c41716 April 19, 2019, 1:16 p.m. No.6242949   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3015 >>3039 >>3120 >>3188 >>3420 >>3532

Cartel Blockades Bring Mexican Border City near Texas to Standstill


A series of blockades in the Mexican border city of Nuevo Laredo brought traffic to a complete halt. Mexican authorities deployed a large number of police and military forces in case gun battles erupted while they confronted the causes of congestion.

Anonymous ID: c41716 April 19, 2019, 1:18 p.m. No.6242987   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2996 >>3044 >>3059

Emma Thompson Flies 5,400 Miles to Protest Climate Change


Dame Emma Thompson has flown 5,400 miles to take part in the so-called ‘Extinction Rebellion’ protests in London.


The actress, star of such films as Saving Mr Banks and Nanny McPhee, made the unusual decision to fly halfway around the world to join in the environmental protests in the capital. Speaking of the protests, Thompson said she couldn’t attend from the beginning as she was celebrating her birthday.


“I was not here on April 15 because I was with my husband because I was 60,” said the actress, who has been labelled a “champagne socialist” by critics.


“I absolutely wanted to be arrested on my 60th birthday but I haven’t quite managed that,” she added.


A flight from Los Angeles International Airport to London Heathrow generates at least 1.67 tonnes of CO2, according to MailOnline.


Dame Emma clearly didn’t see any hypocrisy in her actions as she took to the streets for the second time today, addressing protesters from a large pink boat and reading a poem called ‘Mother Earth Is Not Your Slut’.


“We have seriously failed them (the younger generation) and our planet is in serious trouble, we have much, much less time than we thought,” Dame Emma said.


“I have seen the evidence for myself and I really care about my children and grandchildren enough to want to be here today to stand with the next generation.”


Dame Emma is not the only person involved in the protests who been criticised. The organiser, privately-educated Robin Boardman-Pattison, who has called for only allowing air travel “in an emergency”, has allegedly travelled widely himself.

Anonymous ID: c41716 April 19, 2019, 1:23 p.m. No.6243046   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Mueller Report says ‘multiple members’ of Trump transition approached foreign officials to stop UN resolution against Israeli settlements


The Mueller Report was released today, and one section reveals that “multiple members” of the Trump transition team, led by Jared Kushner, the President’s son-in-law, “communicated with foreign government officials” in an effort to undermine the Obama White House’s decision to allow the passage of a UN Security Council resolution in December 2016 that was sharply critical of Israeli settlements.


We knew that Trump’s transition tried to block the resolution by reaching out to Russia; former national security adviser Mike Flynn has pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI about the matter.


The news here is that “multiple members” of the transition team reached out to other foreign countries. The report suggests that in order “to support Israel,” Jared Kushner issued an all points bulletin throughout the transition team. (The report confirms what the Wall Street Journal characterized as a “blitz” in its own investigation of the incident last year.)


From the report:


According to Flynn, the Trump Transition Team regarded the vote as a significant issue and wanted to support Israel by opposing the resolution. On December 22, 2016, multiple members of the Transition Team, as well as President-Elect Trump, communicated with foreign government officials to determine their views on the resolution and to rally support to delay the vote or defeat the resolution. Kushner led the effort for the Transition Team; Flynn was responsible for the Russian government. Minutes after an early morning phone call with Kushner on December 22, Flynn called [Russian Ambassador to the US Sergey] Kislyak. According to Flynn, he informed Kislyak about the vote and the Transition Team’s opposition to the resolution, and requested that Russia vote against or delay the resolution. Later that day, President-Elect Trump spoke with Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi about the vote. Ultimately, Egypt postponed the vote.


On December 23, 2016, Malaysia, New Zealand, Senegal, and Venezuela resubmitted the resolution. Throughout the day, members of the Transition Team continued to talk with foreign leaders about the resolution, with Flynn continuing to lead the outreach with the Russian government through Kislyak. When Flynn spoke with Kislyak, Kislyak informed Flynn that if the resolution came to a vote, Russia would not vote against it. The resolution later passed 14-0, with the United States abstaining.


It has been reported that Israeli officials initiated the action by the Trump team:


Despite no mention in [an earlier Mueller filing] document, the Trump team’s decision to contact Russia was made following requests by senior Israeli officials that they try to intervene.

Anonymous ID: c41716 April 19, 2019, 1:25 p.m. No.6243074   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3094 >>3188 >>3420 >>3532

On Jews Being United


In his Times of Israel article “What All Anti-Semites Have In Common,” Andres Spokoiny, president and CEO of the Jewish Funders Network, tells us everything we shouldn’t know about the current state of the Jew/Goy divide.


“Today,” Spokoiny complains, “many Jews are willing to overlook and even excuse anti-Semitism when the bigots hate a certain type of Jews.” In the good old days, anti-Semitism was a uniting force. “Anti-Semitism used to be the big Jewish unifier. Jews were always fractious and quarrelsome, but when it came to anti-Semitism, everybody agreed. Anti-Semites hated us without distinction, so in the face of a common threat, we would recognize the danger and unite.” Spokoiny is nostalgic, he wants to see the Jews reunited into a fist of resistance against anti-Semitism.


In the eyes of Spokoiny, the three types of contemporary anti-Semitism, be it Left, Right or Islamic (“which is not only fascistic but outright genocidal,” according to Spokoiny) are in fact one by nature: “there’s just one type of anti-Semitism that simply dresses its ugly persona in different ideological garments.” So it isn’t just the Jews that should be reunited; the Goyim, or shall we say the rest humanity, aren’t diverse either, their oppositions to Jewish politics, Israel or Zionism are only a matter of “different ideological garments.”


In Spokoiny’s universe, the Jews are hated for being Jews. It is not that some oppose Israel for being racist, expansionist and genocidal. It is not because some may be upset that the Israeli Lobby dominates Western foreign affairs in the open. It is not because American and British boys and girls are sent to fight and die in Zio-con wars, it is not because some have noticed that it was a bunch of prominent Jewish intellectuals who have managed to reshape the Western ethos by means of so-called progressive ideologies. It is not because the media seems to be biased in favour of a criminal state, which happens to be a Jewish one. In Spokoiny, reasoning and self-reflection are pushed aside. In his universe some just hate Jews blindly, irrationally and for no reason.


But Spokoiny may as well be right. There is a common element in the Left-wing, Right-wing, Christian and Islamic opposition to Jewish politics, culture and ideology: opposition to choseness is how Bernard Lazare described it in his 1894 Zionist text Antisemitism: Its History and Causes. There is a shared common ground that unites all those so-called ‘anti-Semites.’ The alleged ‘enemies of the Jews’ are people who want the Jewish past to be subject to scrutiny like all other historical chapters, Israeli barbarism to be curtailed, Wall Street to be restricted, Palestine to be free. They want globalisation to be halted, immoral interventionism to die out. The so-called ‘anti-Semites’ actually follow the Zionist promise, they want Jews to finally assimilate and become ‘people like all other people.’ The so-called ‘enemies of the Jews’ are upholding the most enlightened rational universalist ethical positions. They treat Jews as ordinary people and expect their state and institutions to subscribe to ethical standards.


Spokoiny hates Alain Soral, the French intellectual who was sentenced this week to one year in prison by a French court for “negationisme” (history revisionism).


In the eyes of French Jewish institutes and Spokoiny, Soral is the ultimate enemy. He has managed to present a unifying message that appeals to the Left, the Right and Muslim immigrants. Soral calls for a universal reconciliation, between them all under a French nationalist egalitarian ethos. The French Jewish institutions see Soral’s call as a vile anti-Semitic message as it doesn’t seem to accommodate Jewish exceptionalism. However, some Jews have joined Soral’s movement. But they clearly demoted themselves to French patriots. They left chosenism behind, they see themselves primarily as French.


“We in the Jewish community need to believe him (Soral).” Spokoiny writes, “We need to stop participating in the divide-and-conquer game of those who hate us.” In other words, Spokoiny wants to see Jews as one monolithic identity. One that sticks together and exercises its power. If Spokoiny or anyone else thinks that such politics may eradicate anti-Semitism, he or she must be either naïve or just stupid . What Jews need to do is to self-reflect, to ask themselves why anti-Semitism is rising again. Jews must identify their own role in this emerging reality. Rather than constantly blaming their so called ‘haters,’ Jews may want to repeat the early Zionist exercise and ask what is exactly in Jewish culture, identity and politics that makes Jewish history into a chain of disasters.

Anonymous ID: c41716 April 19, 2019, 1:26 p.m. No.6243094   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3188 >>3420 >>3532


What All Anti-Semites Have In Common


On April 16, Alain Soral, a well-known French anti-Semite, was sentenced to one year in prison by a French court for “negationisme”, Holocaust denial. For those of us familiar with Soral’s eclectic political life, seeing him condemned is satisfying, and also instructive. Alain Soral’s career demonstrates how modern society—and even many Jews—misunderstand anti-Semitism.


Anti-Semitism used to be the big Jewish unifier. Jews were always fractious and quarrelsome, but when it came to anti-Semitism, everybody agreed. Anti-Semites hated us without distinction, so in the face of a common threat, we would recognize the danger and unite.


Today, many Jews are willing to overlook and even excuse anti-Semitism when the bigots hate a certain type of Jews. Folks on the right tend to overlook or minimize the threat of far-right anti-Semitism and white supremacy. Folks on the left tend to relativize the anti-Semitism of the far left and minimize the link between anti-Zionism and anti-Semitism.


Both, of course, are wrong. Anti-Semitism on the right can’t be minimized, especially after a white supremacist committed the biggest massacre of Jews in American history last fall in Pittsburgh. But on college campuses and in other left-leaning social frameworks, there are now many environments that are openly hostile to Jews. Right-wing anti-Semitism is killing people today; left-wing anti-Semitism is poisoning the minds of the next generations.


Jail for denying 6 gorillion

Anonymous ID: c41716 April 19, 2019, 1:28 p.m. No.6243119   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3161

I am on trial in Germany for peacefully protesting Israeli apartheid


I am in the midst of a nightmare because I dared to call for equality, justice, freedom and dignity for Palestinians. My activism in Germany as part of the international boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) movement has landed me before the court.


Last month, charges were levied against me and my two Jewish comrades, Ronnie Barkan and Stavit Sinai. Together, we are known as the #humboldt3, because we peacefully protested a talk at Humboldt University in Berlin by Knesset member Aliza Lavie, who supported Israel’s 2014 war on the besieged Gaza Strip.


I have been deeply touched by the international support we have received throughout this ordeal. However, we still need all human rights defenders and friends of Palestine to stand with us, since we are going through a re-trial following Israeli pressure to convict us.


Many have told me that I will overcome - but what they might not know is that as a three-decade survivor of the Israeli occupation, the experience of violence, oppression and collective punishment has taught me to keep fighting for life.


In the courtroom, sitting as a criminal, I gave the following statement.

Shared humanity


I am standing here on trial as a criminal defendant, along with my comrades, as a result of us daring to speak up publicly against Israel’s crimes against humanity in my beloved Palestine. It came out of my responsibility as a humanist, and as a Palestinian, to respond to Aliza Lavie, who was in the coalition that decided to slaughter, displace, bombard, torture, imprison and obliterate my beloved people in 2014.


It was my moral duty to call her out for her crimes against humanity. Throughout the event, I was silent, only listening in pain as Lavie spoke. I saw her speaking with joy about her so-called democratic country - but in reality, she was rejoicing at the blood of my people, without any shame.

Anonymous ID: c41716 April 19, 2019, 1:30 p.m. No.6243141   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Omar Barghouti: ‘Israel is outsourcing anti-BDS repression to the US’


In an interview with MEE, the BDS co-founder says the Trump administration is 'lifting up Israel’s far-right regime of oppression as a model'


On 10 April, Palestinian human rights activist and co-founder of the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement Omar Barghouti was denied entry into the United States, despite having valid travel documents.


The move was quickly denounced by rights groups as a violation of free speech by the administration of President Donald Trump.


Barghouti was stopped at Ben Gurion Airport in Tel Aviv and told he would not be allowed to board his flight to the US. He was expected to join a panel in Washington the following day. The campaigner was born in Qatar and has permanent resident status in Israel.


Barghouti joined the panel via a video conference call that was live-streamed on social media. He called for taking Palestinian non-violent resistance to the "global scene" amid failure by the international community to uphold Palestinian rights.


It has been widely speculated that Barghouti was denied entry to the US because of his advocacy for Palestinian rights, while Robert Palladino, a US State Department spokesperson said the US does not deny visas "based solely on political statements or views".

Anonymous ID: c41716 April 19, 2019, 1:31 p.m. No.6243157   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Holocaust, Hate Speech & Were the Germans so Stupid?


Suppressing free and open discussion on any subject is as bad as telling lies, and knowingly suppressing the truth is the biggest lie of all, because it is based, not on a mistake or a genuine error, but on a deliberate intention to deceive. Having been tortured, Rudolf Höss, who was the commander of Auschwitz from 1940 to 1943, almost certainly lied to save the lives of his wife and children. Even if torture and duress cannot be proven, the overwhelming reason for recognizing the utter falsity of the Höss confession is that the gassing method he described was not scientifically plausible. Yet Höss’s conviction has stood, by inference, as a testament to the cruelty of Germans in general, since he was tried at Nuremberg, in 1947, and subsequently hanged on April 16th, 1947, in Poland.


With great respect for those who have tried—though harassed, punished, fined, imprisoned and otherwise abused—to tell it like it really was: Arthur R. Butz, Robert Faurisson, Paul Grubach, Gerd Honsik, David Irving, Kevin Käther, Nicholas Kollerstrom, Fred Leuchter, Horst Mahler, Ingrid Rimland, Germar Rudolf, Bradley Smith, Sylvia Stolz, Fredrick Töbin, Ernst Zündel and many others. General References: Rudolf Hössöss.html Charles F. Wennerstrum Robert Faurisson: Höss torture. Transfer Agreement Book Japanese internment Palestine Mandate Agreement to bring America into WWI… At Basle I founded the Jewish state Claim: Auschwitz II-Birkenau, more than 20,000 people could be gassed and cremated each day. Cremation specialistsdisagree Stephen F Pinter: No gas chambers in German camps… “Not one case of death by poison gas was found.” Interesting video: Israeli Minister “We always use the anti-Semitism trick or bring up the Holocaust” 14 August, 2002 Shulamit Aloni

Anonymous ID: c41716 April 19, 2019, 1:36 p.m. No.6243218   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Can WikiLeaks’ Julian Assange Get a Fair Trial?


British police dragged WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange out of the Ecuadorian Embassy in London on April 11, witnessed by a scrum of international media. Authorities in the United Kingdom and US then tried to drag Assange’s reputation through the mud.


The official story was that Assange wore out his welcome at the embassy. News stories reported that he skateboarded through the offices, dirtied his bathroom, and let his cat poop in the halls. The man who had exposed government wrongdoing around the world had become the Hacker Who Came to Dinner.


Whatever the truth to those accusations, in reality, Assange was the victim of regime change. In 2017, Ecuadorians elected Lenin Moreno president and, in a sharp departure from previous government policy, the new president sought closer relations with the US. Moreno decided to expel Assange as part of the bargain.


The US cares nothing about cat poop in the embassy hallways. But it does want to send a warning to the media, according to John Kiriakou, a former CIA case officer and whistleblower. He says in an interview that Presidents Donald Trump, like Barack Obama before him, has a "Nixonian obsession with national security leaks." But the real goal is to send "a message to all journalists that there’s a lot less freedom of press than you might think."


How it all began


In 2010, WikiLeaks published a huge cache of secret State Department documents that revealed the true nature of US foreign policy. The documents showed US diplomats focused on promoting corporate interests, brokering military deals, and controlling spheres of influence.

Anonymous ID: c41716 April 19, 2019, 1:37 p.m. No.6243246   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Russia 2019+ Military Doctrine


The term “Gerasimov Doctrine”, apparently wholly made up Mark Galeotti who, to his credit, owned up to his mistake, has been used by the Western media to the point of obscuring the real work on developing national security doctrines for Russia’s 21st century needs. In this work, General Valeriy Gerasimov, Chief of General Staff of the Russian Federation Armed Forces, has played a major role. During a recent conference at the Academy of Military Sciences, where Gerasimov delivered the keynote speech, he outlined the national security priorities facing the Russian Federation. This included areas where further theoretical research is necessary to inform the future dimensions of armed forces development.


While Gerasimov’s address dedicated considerable attention to the problem of nuclear deterrence, it also made clear that, in terms of meeting challenges posed by the threat of rapid evolution and expansion of the United States’ strategic nuclear potential, Russia’s symmetrical and asymmetrical responses will ensure the viability of its nuclear deterrent for the foreseeable future. The emphasis appears to be on diversification, and not only of launch platforms but also of delivery vehicles. The problem with the existing force of ICBMs, SLBMs, and bomber-launched ALCMs is that they represent a relatively well-known potential to counter. This means that should the US decide to invest heavily in anti-missile and anti-air defenses, it could defeat Russia’s nuclear deterrent in an all-out war. Moreover, the existence of widespread anti-air and anti-missile networks means that limited escalation using small numbers of offensive weapons might be stopped, forcing Russia to make an “all or nothing” choice—either no escalation at all, or an all-out nuclear strike. Gerasimov’s discussion of a genuinely strategic system such as the Avangard hypersonic glider, Burevestnik global-range cruise missile, and Poseidon underwater unmanned vehicle together with operational-level systems such as the Zircon hypersonic cruise missile and Kinzhal aeroballistic missile, indicates the desire to constitute Russia’s nuclear deterrent on the basis of an array of mutually complementary systems carried by an expanded range of carrier vehicles, including fighter aircraft such as the MiG-31 and attack submarines. Russia’s leadership would thus be able to hold at risk a wide range of leadership and value targets using both conventional and nuclear systems against which it would be extremely difficult to construct a defensive barrier that would be viable in the minds of US decision makers.

Anonymous ID: c41716 April 19, 2019, 1:39 p.m. No.6243277   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Parents Who Tortured Children Get Life After Hearing Victims


LOS ANGELES—A California couple who inflicted years of torture and abuse on 12 of their 13 children and were only discovered when one of their daughters fled their home and pleaded for help to a 911 operator were sentenced to life in prison Friday, with parole possible after 25 years.


The sentencing of David and Louise Turpin was preceded by the first public statements from some of the children, who alternately spoke of love for their parents, and of what they had suffered despite it, as the couple wiped away tears.


The Turpins pleaded guilty in February to neglect and abuse.


None of the children were publicly identified.


One of the adult children walked into court already in tears just after the hearing began, holding hands with a prosecutor.


A daughter said, “Life may have been bad but it made me strong. I fought to become the person that I am. I saw my dad change my mom. They almost changed me, but I realized what was happening. … I’m a fighter, I’m strong and I’m shooting through life like a rocket.”


The horrors within the home were concealed behind a veneer of suburban normalcy in a middle-class section of Perris, a small city about 60 miles (96 kilometers) southeast of Los Angeles.

Anonymous ID: c41716 April 19, 2019, 1:43 p.m. No.6243341   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Trump’s whistleblower protection agency under investigation for attacking…WHISTLEBLOWERS


In an ironic twist, the agency tasked with protecting those who blow the lid on illegal activity inside the government is ITSELF being accused of retaliating against whistleblowers – can anyone protect them from the protectors?


While Trump opened the Office of Accountability and Whistleblower Protection (OAWP) in order to watch over those reporting potential crimes inside government agencies, some government employees are saying it ended up doing exactly the opposite.


The investigation is being led by the Veterans’ Affairs Department’s Inspector General, which has fielded a flood of complaints from those who came to the OAWP for help and ended up in an even more dangerous situation.


“It’s a crooked system where literally the fox is guarding the hen house,” VA Administrative Officer Jay DeNofrio told Government Executive. He says he was shocked to find that the agency seemed to be more interested in investigating him than the VA doctor he reported for putting veterans at risk by continuing to practice despite his dwindling mental capacity.


In one particularly heinous case, the chief engineer at the VA’s Northern Indiana Health Care System, Dan Martin, asked the office for backup after he reported his superiors for possible contracting violations. Martin says that instead of keeping him protected, the OAWP essentially blew the whistle on the whistleblower. They gave the people who Martin had informed on his name, and actively sabotaged an investigation by letting them know they were being secretly recorded.


“Some of them are so crooked they swallow nails and spit up corkscrews,” Martin quipped. “OAWP set me up.”


VA spokesman Curt Cashour said that things have changed, and the agency now tells claimants if the investigation they initiated has been resolved, and allows them to keep their names out of the reports which notify suspects they are being investigated. However, the agency says it will not stop “referring cases of misconduct back to facilities and program offices where the misconduct occurred,” which essentially means that calling in OAWP protection could continue to actually make matters worse for whistleblowers.


The whistleblower-protection initiative was a key piece of President Trump’s 2017 reform package for the VA, a notoriously troubled agency with a “culture famous for intimidation and reprisal.”

Anonymous ID: c41716 April 19, 2019, 1:45 p.m. No.6243372   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3477

Spain: Election Authority Bans Anti-Mass Migration Populists from TV Debates


The populist leader vowing to “make Spain great again” has been axed from the only televised debate confirmed ahead of the election later this month.


The Atresmedia network was ordered to drop Vox leader Santiago Abascal from its debate after Spain’s Central Election Board ruled his appearance would not be “proportional” to votes cast for the party at elections in 2015, when the then only recently formed party failed to win representation in the national parliament.


Since then however, Vox has enjoyed a huge political breakthrough, becoming the third largest party at elections in Andalucia in December when it gained 11 per cent of the vote and 12 seats — far outperforming predictions it would win just five seats.

Anonymous ID: c41716 April 19, 2019, 1:49 p.m. No.6243441   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Thoughts on the Protected Race


“Know that we have taken into our hand, custody, and protection Leo the Jew our goldsmith and all his affairs. And therefore we command that you keep ward and defend the said Leo and all his affairs, doing no hurt or injury to him.”

Proclamation of King John of England, 10 Nov. 1199


“My office was created by law and designed to protect the Jewish people throughout the world. Think about that. The world’s greatest power is focused, by law and design, on protecting the Jews.”

Elan Carr, U.S. State Department Envoy on Anti-Semitism, February 2019


By almost every metric, Jews are the most protected ethnic group on earth. At the frontline of this protection, Jewish institutional security is heavily subsidised by taxpayers throughout the West. In Germany, the government provides an annual stipend of $15 million to the Central Council of Jews. In the UK, the government spends around $20 million annually on both security for Jewish institutions and “Holocaust education” designed to combat “anti-Semitic ideas.” This is in addition to the UK pledging almost $70 million for a new Holocaust memorial designed to achieve the same ends. Hungary has promised $3.4 million to “fight anti-Semitism in Europe,” and Sweden has handed over 2 million kronor for increasing security at Jewish institutions. France has invested $107 million in “fighting anti-Semitism” since 2015. This brings us to a grand total of over $215 million in “protecting Jews” and “fighting anti-Semitism,” and doesn’t even take into account spending in the United States (somewhere between $20 million and $50 million annually for frontline security at Jewish institutions), or the spending of Jews on their own defense (the ADL’s annual budget alone is in the region of $58 million). One gets the distinct and remarkable impression that, globally, diaspora Judaism probably requires something approaching $1 billion simply in order to feel safe.


Much more