Anonymous ID: 12daf4 April 19, 2019, 2:01 p.m. No.6243652   🗄️.is 🔗kun

2019 interview with Satan: what evil is, what the Dark Side wants, evil’s offer in the revolution for human souls


Premise: Earth is in historic revolution at four levels:


Ongoing US illegal rogue state empire is the latest of millennia to colonize targeted “slave” groups (human resources), and parasitize natural resources. Current annual costs include killing millions, harming billions, and looting trillions. The empire’s naked lies, repeated in controlled corporate media and public education, can be recognized and ended in a relative Emperor’s New Clothes moment.

Global neocolonialism from all so-called “developed” and “former” colonial powers, any of whom could end sadistic empires by pointing and speaking the obvious: US/UK/Israel-led armed attacks are Orwellian-illegal and all started with lies known to be false as they are told. These Wars of Aggression are in contrast to reneged promises since 1969 to end all poverty on Earth that have killed ~400 million just since the Clinton presidency, more than all wars and violence in all recorded human history.

Exo-political/ET empire extending beyond recorded history, yet obvious from literal rock-solid evidence of ancient technology creating structures bigger, more precise, and built faster than modern technology is capable. The evidence is overwhelming, objective and verifiable, and only opposed by factless denial, distraction, and attacking the messengers.

Cosmic, as ET evidence is embraced, we must also conclude that whatever consciousness manages Earth has chosen to allow robust evil to invade, occupy, and ongoingly attack Earth’s inhabitants (I speculate evil’s purpose here).


After 42 years of civic activism, I have well over 10,000 hours’ serious practice in two related areas for this speculative essay to “interview” a representative driving the above premises:


Political, economic, and historical research and applications that have contributed to save ~300 million lives from poverty (mostly from microcredit), and currently engaged to save Americans tens of trillions of dollars through public banking and monetary reform, and to expose and end lie-started and Orwellian-illegal US Wars of Aggression overthrowing 80+ democracies and killing ~30 million just since WW2 (documentation at the end of this essay has more).

Spiritual, philosophical, and religious research/practice for continuous engagement with human beings for a world that works for everyone, with no-one left out.


I’m motivated to write this essay because colleagues and I are able to easily explain, document, and prove Orwellian lies and crimes by our “leaders” and “covered” by corporate media and public education, but we are unable to document a comprehensive account of who is behind these lies, what they really want, plus where and when this all started as a global control system. This essay is a good-faith explanation to match objective data.


We can confidently demonstrate that some kind of evil is in charge of human relations, but what kind of evil is useful inquiry. The best speculative method I have is an “interview” with an agent of evil to consider Life from their perspective. I recommend grounding yourself in historical facts that demonstrate prehistorical advanced technology on Earth, or risk finding the speculation disconnected from reality.


Speculation is only appropriate with appreciable factual foundation.


Full Q & A in link

Anonymous ID: 12daf4 April 19, 2019, 2:03 p.m. No.6243687   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3707 >>3830 >>3836 >>4037 >>4300

AG Barr today: “There is substantial evidence to show…that the investigation (mah Russia) was undermining his presidency, propelled by his political opponents, and fuelled by illegal leaks.”


Full text:


Barr: “President Trump faced an unprecedented situation. As he entered into office, and sought to perform his responsibilities as President, federal agents and prosecutors were scrutinizing his conduct before and after taking office, and the conduct of some of his associates… Yet, as he said from the beginning, there was in fact no collusion. And as the Special Counsel’s report acknowledges, there is substantial evidence to show that the President was frustrated and angered by a sincere belief that the investigation was undermining his presidency, propelled by his political opponents, and fuelled by illegal leaks.”


Kellyanne Conway reiterates call for Adam Schiff’s resignation after Mueller report’s release: “Not only should he resign, he should produce the evidence that he said he has. If he has evidence of collusion”


White House counselor to the president Kellyanne Conway doubled down on her call for Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Calif.) to resign as House Intelligence Committee Chairman as he was a leading figure in the Russia investigation which, according to special counsel Robert Mueller’s report, found no evidence of witting collusion by the Trump campaign.


“Not only should he resign, he should produce the evidence that he said he has,” she said. Conway seemed to refer to Schiff’s recent claim that “significant evidence of collusion” existed.


“If he has evidence of collusion that somehow the special counsel couldn’t find over 22 months and $35 million of our money, I want Adam Schiff to produce that,” Conway said. “He ought to put up or shut up.”

Anonymous ID: 12daf4 April 19, 2019, 2:04 p.m. No.6243702   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3717

The elites laugh as Americans revel in their enslavement while fearing each other


Americans are increasingly living in fear of the opposing political party. While the elites laugh and continue to enslave the populace even further because of this fear, Americans increasingly embrace their chains while asking them to be shortened, and all while dehumanizing those on a different plantation.


The fact is, none of us are free. We are all slaves to the same master – the political elites. The only way to be free is to accept it and attempt to free others in the process. So far, the government has not had to put literal chains on anyone because most Americans are mental slaves. If you own the mind, you won’t need to enslave the body. This is causing problems in problems in our society, however, as many fear those who think differently than they do while giving a pass to the ones actually at fault for their dissatisfaction.


Extreme partisanship has infected both democrats and republicans to the point of no return. According to Oregon Live, more than 40 percent of Americans say they are surrounded by “downright evil” and they’re referring to their fellow Americans who happen to belong to a different political party. This division and fear keep the elite wealthy, powerful, and increasingly authoritarian. While we fight each other, we can’t be bothered to actually take on the behemoth monster that is responsible for all this fear and division in the first place.


A recent academic paper by political scientists Nathan P. Kalmoe and Lilliana Mason, presented at the National Capital Area Political Science Association conference in January, concludes that the extreme partisanship of recent decades has made millions of Americans intellectually insular and emotionally numb. As a result, these hyper-partisans – and, to be clear, all of this goes for members of both major parties – feel little or no sympathy “in response to deaths and injuries of political opponents.” Some even show “explicit support for partisan violence.” –Oregon Live


The key component to all of this fear is ensuring the public stays divided by dehumanizing each other. This makes violence against each other suddenly “acceptable” to those stuck and enslaved by the system. A key reason for this “moral disengagement” is that partisanship in the cable-TV and social-media age has proven exceptionally good at dehumanizing one’s ideological opponents. Kalmoe and Mason’s unpublished paper found that about one in five Americans believe that those on the other side of the partisan divide “lack the traits to be considered fully human — they behave like animals.”


The portion of hyper-partisan Americans is worrisome even for those not on the political spectrum. Morality no longer matters if another human being is not seen as a human being. Kalmoe and Mason’s work indicates that the nature of this uptick in extreme partisanship provides people with the “psychological distancing” that allows them to rationalize physical violence and discrimination against others.


Instead of accepting that it is ALWAYS morally wrong to initiate force or violence against another human being for ANY REASON, Americans have rationalized such violence and theft as taxation or police brutality in order to justify their own political violence. This type of path is leading our society down a very dangerous path.

Anonymous ID: 12daf4 April 19, 2019, 2:05 p.m. No.6243719   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Israel’s founding fathers are turning in their graves


“From the 1920s onward, the Zionist movement was split into two groups that put forward rival ideas of the Jewish state, one liberal, the other right wing. David Ben-Gurion, Israel’s founding father and its longest serving prime minister, was the leader of Labor Zionism, the liberal vision; Zeev Jabotinsky was the founder of Revisionist Zionism and the spiritual father of the Israeli right. Mr. Ben-Gurion embodied the liberal Zionist dream of a free, independent and egalitarian Jewish state. Mr. Jabotinsky was an ardent Jewish nationalist who laid claim to Jewish sovereignty over the whole of the territory between both banks of the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea ……..

Benjamin Netanyahu, who won a fifth electoral victory last week in an election that was essentially a referendum on his leadership, is in many ways the heir to Mr. Jabotinsky’s legacy. His father, Benzion Netanyahu, was Mr. Jabotinsky’s secretary and the editor of the Revisionists’ daily newspaper, HaYarden; his party, Likud, is the successor to the post-independence Revisionist party, Herut …..

David Ben-Gurion is turning in his grave. And so is Zeev Jabotinsky.”

Benjamin Netanyahu and the Death of the Zionist Dream

NYT, April 18, 2019

Avi Shlaim (an Iraqi born Jew) is an emeritus professor of international relations at Oxford University and the author of “The Iron Wall: Israel and the Arab World.”

Anonymous ID: 12daf4 April 19, 2019, 2:06 p.m. No.6243746   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4385

Flashback: That Time Nancy Pelosi Dismissed 9/11 as Just an ‘Incident’


Perhaps we have a better understanding of why Nancy Pelosi has been a major defender of Rep. Ilhan Omar’s controversial remarks about 9/11. Maybe it’s because they have something in common.


Omar diminished the worst terrorist attack ever conducted on American soil by describing the driving force behind September 11th as “some people did something.”


President Trump took a video of Omar’s comments and added clips from that tragic day tweeting, “We will never forget!”


House Speaker Pelosi responded, not by condemning Omar’s comments, but by condemning the President for playing them exactly as they were spoken. She alleged that the video placed Omar’s life in danger and demanded Trump remove it from his Twitter feed.

Anonymous ID: 12daf4 April 19, 2019, 2:09 p.m. No.6243767   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3804

An Unexpected Scandal Threatens To Cripple Amazon, Inc.’s Web Services (AWS) unit has been the engine behind the company’s spectacular recent performance, with operating income of $7.2 billion last year, up 68% year-over-year and accounting for 59% of Amazon’s total operating income. The near-consensus cadre of bullish analysts (48 out of 50 tracked by Bloomberg have a “buy” rating on Amazon) call for more of the same. But will an ongoing government kerfuffle derail the AWS miracle?


Last Wednesday, the Department of Defense (DoD) cleared itself of wrongdoing following an internal investigation into the forthcoming award of the $10 billion cloud computing Joint Enterprise Defense Initiative (JEDI) program. Yet the Pentagon’s self-exoneration was not comprehensive, as Bloomberg noted that: “The investigation uncovered evidence of unethical conduct that will be referred to the DoD inspector general for a separate review.”


The JEDI contract has been hotly contested among some of the largest cloud-computing companies in the U.S., and for good reason. The winner-take-all award has been narrowed to two contenders, AWS and Microsoft Corp. According to an updated timeline issued by a Federal judge Tuesday, the JEDI mandate will be awarded sometime after mid-July.


With the stakes high, Uncle Sam’s corporate suitors are pulling no punches. In December, recently-eliminated Oracle Corp. filed suit with U.S. Court of Federal Claims asserting that the JEDI process has been marred by conflicts of interest. The suit alleges that a pair of Amazon-connected former DoD staffers unduly influenced the proceedings in favor of AWS. One of whom, Deap Ubhi, worked in business development at AWS from 2014 to 2016 before joining the DoD, during which period he continued to praise Amazon from his Twitter account (including tweeting “once an Amazonian, always an Amazonian” in January 2017) while criticizing Oracle, Alphabet, Inc.’s Google and other Silicon Valley firms.


According to an April 5 report by The Capitol Forum, in January 2017 Ubhi lamented missing a conference call between Defense Department officials and AWS personnel, writing via email: “I am ex-AWS, and would have liked to have been on the call.” Eight months later, when acting as the DoD’s lead JEDI project manager, Ubhi asked DoD higher-ups to name him “the point of contact for all industry conversations.” After reportedly recusing himself from the JEDI procurement process in late October, Ubhi left the DoD, returning to AWS in November 2017.


In March, the Federal News Network reported that the FBI is involved in the DoD inspector general investigation, potentially signaling “some sort of wrongdoing involving DoD civilian personnel and/or DoD procurement procedures.”

Anonymous ID: 12daf4 April 19, 2019, 2:11 p.m. No.6243803   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Russiagate Own Goal: Florida Paper’s Election Hacking Story Refutes Own Premise


In what has to be the shortest-yet transit of the Russiagate lies-to-refutation pipeline, the Miami Herald provided extensive evidence in a Thursday article disproving its own outlandish misreading of the Mueller report’s conclusions about supposed Russian hacking of Florida’s election system in 2016.


We appreciate it when people do our work for us. For the sake of both brevity and edification, here's what the Herald argued on Thursday.


According to special counsel Robert Mueller's report on the two-year-long Russiagate investigation, "In August 2016, GRU [Russian military intelligence] officers targeted employees of [REDACTED], a voting technology company that developed software used by numerous US counties to manage voter rolls, and installed malware on the company network… the spearphishing emails contained an attached Word document coded with malicious software (commonly referred to as a Trojan) that permitted the GRU to access the infected computer."


The Herald reported that "over 120 email accounts used by Florida county officials responsible for overseeing the 2016 election" received the emails.


"We understand the FBI believes that this operation enabled the GRU to gain access to the network of at least one Florida county government," the report said and the Herald reported — noting, however, that Mueller's office "did not independently verify that belief."


Local officials didn't know what they were talking about, either.

Anonymous ID: 12daf4 April 19, 2019, 2:14 p.m. No.6243833   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4188

The Awful Truth About Alex Jones


I have always admired Jones. He works like a dog. I also admire Watson. Holmes had a Watson, so does Jones. Many think that Paul Josef Watson is useless dog shit. I don’t, not entirely, OK, mostly, but not totally.


Jones is by his own account a hired actor thrown onto a stage he is self-trained for. His general positions, favoring wealth and power over humanity, thinly disguised as conspiracy theory and redneck ignorance generally reeks of the smell of Zionist propaganda.


Jones isn’t always wrong. You can easily see where he kicks his mind in gear, where the Israel or Neocon agenda InfoWars is controlled by falls to the wayside. Sandy Hook is one of these.


We watched Jones being questioned about the arrests of “SWAT dressed” suspects at the outset of the Sandy Hook debacle. What did Jones really see.


OK, here is my estimation:


Note that the media cleansed reports by Dan Rather and CNN of dozens of heavily armed Israelis on 9/11 and their escape under the thin cover story of being the “bin laden family.”


Jones isn’t to be blamed for not being superhuman.


As I remember it, the initial report was CNN, describing the arrest of two suspects “running through the woods, away from the school.” Camera’s were not trained on the suspects when they were brought in but there was, and I am straining my own memory on this, some video of the woods where images were not clear.


The narrative was descriptive, arrests, handcuffs. No mention of SWAT gear, I think that might have come from embellishment, but I am not sure. I don’t think CNN said that but I wouldn’t bet on it either.


Thus, by our standards, Jones wasn’t making it up.


I keep returning to the school social worker, one day describing seeing the shooter, looking into his eyes as he walked past her office carrying a weapon, describing him as the son of a “kindergarten teacher any loving parent would want to teach their child.”


Then a day later, the same social worker said she hid under her desk, saw only “shoes” walk by and never heard of the shooters mother as a teacher at the school.


This is one of dozens of “red herrings.” No questions about this one, no videos to censor or erase, no CNN reports to sanitize.


But why take down Jones? He continually fabricates useless crap defending Trump, big pharma, polluters, wars of every kind, fosters hate…


What could make people happier? From the NY Times:

Anonymous ID: 12daf4 April 19, 2019, 2:19 p.m. No.6243884   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3976

Top 11 causes of cancer you may have NEVER guessed


You could wake up every day and be stepping into a total health nightmare while thinking you’re “playing your cards” just fine. We’ve all learned over the past few years that the mainstream media is one huge breadbasket of lies fueled by corporate-driven greed that delivers poison for our minds and our bodies at every turn of the channel, newspaper page or web page. Not only are most Americans “eating” cancer daily, they’re consuming the top 11 causes of cancer ­– all while they either count calories, “carbs” or how many pounds they weigh – none of which will matter when the oncologist sends them home with no cure in sight.


Then people go “march for the cure” at some Susan Komen Foundation gathering while eating Kentucky Fried Chicken and drinking Mike’s Hard Lemonade, both Komen sponsor foods and beverages that contain carcinogens (deep fried processed oils and alcohol, respectively) that aid cancer cell development.


You want the cure? Stop eating, drinking and injecting the disease you’re fighting off! Face it now. You’ve been lied to by Big Food, Big Pharma and probably even a few M.D.s and an oncologist. Let’s take a close look at what’s really polluting our cleansing organs, warping our cells, and destroying our good gut bacteria, leading us down a dark and dangerous corridor of cell mutation where our very own cells attack our body, and where mainstream medicine ADDS to the chaos! It’s time to capitalize with truth. Here they come like a tsunami… the top 11 causes of cancer you may have NEVER guessed.


Mother Nature’s micronutrient secret: Organic Broccoli Sprout Capsules now available, delivering 280mg of high-density nutrition, including the extraordinary “sulforaphane” and “glucosinolate” nutrients found only in cruciferous healing foods. Every lot laboratory tested. See availability here.

  1. Stress


Are you stressed? Are you stressing yourself out unnecessarily? Did you know stress can drain your adrenal glands that sit atop your kidneys? This can affect the balance of salt to water within the body and affect your blood pressure. Draining your adrenals can also increase blood glucose levels and cause inflammatory reactions. Ever heard of Cushing’s syndrome? It’s a disorder where the adrenals overproduce cortisol, causing an aggressive cancer that drives an excessive production of hormones. Adrenal fatigue is often caused by poor sleep, heavy metal toxicity, chronic respiratory infections, and yes, relentless stress.

  1. Nitrates


Processed meats are kept from spoiling using nitrates and nitrates, that are basically heavily concentrated salts that cause cancer. Nitrites have been classified as a Class 1-A carcinogen along with cigarettes. Hey bacon lovers, wake up and smell the cancer. Cut out the hot dogs, deli meats, sausage and bacon and you massively reduce your chances of contracting the “C” word in this lifetime.

  1. Fluoridated tap water


No, the fluoride the USA drips into your drinking water does NOT help you build strong teeth and fight cavities. Big lie. If you drink from the tap, including making coffee, tea, or mixing it with powdered beverage mixes, you’re fueling cancer cells by drinking a toxic insecticide that’s a byproduct of the industrial division of China. Exported as sodium fluoride in order to get the toxic bug killer out of their country, the insidious industrialists of America drip fluoride into U.S. tap water to make the population dumb, sick and in need of chronic sick care pharmaceuticals, including toxic chemotherapy that causes MORE cancer. Yes, you’ve been duped by the system.

Anonymous ID: 12daf4 April 19, 2019, 2:22 p.m. No.6243919   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4028



Frank Report has just learned that Clare Bronfman and Kathy Russell will both plead guilty today before U.S. District Court Judge Nicholas G. Garaufis.


Clare is scheduled to appear before Judge Garaufis at 4:00 PM – and Kathy at 5:00 PM.


At present, Clare is facing two charges: one count of Racketeering and one count of Racketeering Conspiracy. She is also named in five predicate acts:

– Conspiracy To Commit Identity Theft

– Identity Theft Regarding John Doe 2

– Money Laundering

– Visa Fraud

– Conspiracy To Commit Identity Theft


Kathy Russell is currently facing just one charge for Racketeering Conspiracy and is not named in any predicate acts.


Additional details will be reported as they become available.


Birds are singing

Anonymous ID: 12daf4 April 19, 2019, 2:24 p.m. No.6243947   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4037 >>4300 >>4332

Google 'disables' Press TV’s YouTube account without prior warning


Google has blocked Press TV and Hispan TV's access to their official accounts on the technology company's platforms, including YouTube and Gmail, without prior notice, citing “violation of policies”.


“Your Google Account was disabled and can’t be restored because it was used in a way that violates Google’s policies,” Google said in a message that appears after Press TV tries to log into its account.

Anonymous ID: 12daf4 April 19, 2019, 2:26 p.m. No.6243972   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Israeli tanks, aircraft target Hamas positions in Gaza Strip


Israel has launched artillery and aerial attacks on positions belonging to the Palestinian resistance movement of Hamas in the besieged Gaza Strip.


According to Palestinian security sources speaking to AFP, the Israeli attacks struck the military observation posts of the resistance group at three locations along the fence separating Gaza from the occupied territories on Friday.


The sources said no casualties had been reported.


Israel’s military claimed that the attacks had been conducted after shots were fired from the besieged enclave at Israeli troops on the other side of the fence. “No injuries to soldiers were reported,” the Israeli army said in a statement.

Anonymous ID: 12daf4 April 19, 2019, 2:29 p.m. No.6244001   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4091

TRUMP UNLEASHES: It’s Time to “Turn the Tables” and Bring Justice to People Who Have Committed Serious Crimes… Spying or Treason


President Trump unleashed on the Deep State Friday afternoon and said it’s time to “turn the tables and bring justice to some very sick and dangerous people.”


Earlier Friday, President Trump went off on the garbage Mueller report, calling some of the tales in the report “bullshit.”


“This was an Illegally Started Hoax that never should have happened,” Trump tweeted Friday morning.


Later Friday, President Trump continued his fury and fired off a tweet that set the media ablaze.


It’s go time, says Trump.


TRUMP: “…big, fat, waste of time, energy and money – $30,000,000 to be exact. It is now finally time to turn the tables and bring justice to some very sick and dangerous people who have committed very serious crimes, perhaps even Spying or Treason. This should never happen again!”


TRUMP UNLEASHES: It’s Time to “Turn the Tables” and Bring Justice to People Who Have Committed Serious Crimes… Spying or Treason

Cristina Laila by Cristina Laila April 19, 2019 11 Comments


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President Trump unleashed on the Deep State Friday afternoon and said it’s time to “turn the tables and bring justice to some very sick and dangerous people.”


Earlier Friday, President Trump went off on the garbage Mueller report, calling some of the tales in the report “bullshit.”


“This was an Illegally Started Hoax that never should have happened,” Trump tweeted Friday morning.


Later Friday, President Trump continued his fury and fired off a tweet that set the media ablaze.


It’s go time, says Trump.


TRUMP: “…big, fat, waste of time, energy and money – $30,000,000 to be exact. It is now finally time to turn the tables and bring justice to some very sick and dangerous people who have committed very serious crimes, perhaps even Spying or Treason. This should never happen again!”


It is time for the coup plotters to pay for their crimes.


All roads lead back to Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama.


Obama’s corrupt FBI, DOJ and intel agencies all used Hillary’s phony Russia dossier to spy on Trump’s campaign.


Attorney General Bill Barr recently stunned the Democrats and their stenographers in the media when he said during a Senate hearing that he believes spying did occur during the 2016 election.


Ranking member of the House Intel Committee Devin Nunes (R-CA) recently sent US Attorney General Bill Barr a criminal referral notification, alleging ‘potential violations’ of the law related to the Trump-Russia investigation.


“As part of that investigation, Committee Republicans identified several potential violations of law,” Nunes wrote in his short letter to Barr.


James Comey, Sally Yates, Rod Rosenstein and Andrew McCabe all signed off on FISA warrant applications to spy on Trump campaign advisor Carter Page.


DNI Chief James Clapper and CIA Chief John Brennan both promoted Hillary’s phony dossier — Clapper was even caught leaking a story about Comey’s dossier briefing to Trump to CNN’s Jake Tapper.


Former FBI counterintelligence chief Peter Strzok and his paramour Lisa Page were also caught conspiring with McCabe on ways to stop Trump from becoming president and discussed an “insurance policy.”


The Russia investigation was not only a hoax, it was a criminal abuse of power, said Judicial Watch president Tom Fitton.

Anonymous ID: 12daf4 April 19, 2019, 2:35 p.m. No.6244073   🗄️.is 🔗kun

By Not Investigating the U.S. For War Crimes, the International Criminal Court Shows Colonialism Still Thrives in International Law


On April 5, the United States revoked the visa of the International Criminal Court’s (ICC) chief prosecutor, Fatou Bensouda, for her attempts to open an investigation into alleged war crimes committed by the U.S. in Afghanistan. A week later, judges at the ICC rejected Bensouda’s request to open a probe into U.S. involvement in Afghanistan.


While rights advocates condemned this move as amounting to U.S. interference in the workings of the ICC, it’s more alarming than mere obstruction — and is rooted in the pre-existing hierarchy and embedded colonial structures in international legal order.


Bensouda’s visa revocation underscores the existing systematic inequality in international legal order. This is rooted in the presumed hierarchy by a group of elite nations that have dominated international order from a position of assumed racial, cultural, political, historical, material, economic and legal superiority.


These developments come in light of comments made by the Trump administration’s national security advisor, John Bolton, who delegitimized the role of the ICC in a speech he delivered in September 2018. He said that “the U.S. will take any means necessary” to overcome “unjust prosecution by this illegitimate Court.”


Countries like the U.S. have always enjoyed dominance through this presumed superiority, enabling them to suggest other nations are like-minded when it comes to the international legal order.


The U.S. and other powerful nations have not only been successful in maintaining the status quo of imbalance inherent in international law, but have also been instrumental in establishing the rules governing that legal order.


With tectonic political shifts across the world, the ICC’s representatives — and jurists like Bensouda — represent some of the last vestiges of resisting the dominant global legal order by attempting to hold the West accountable for their transgressions in the global South.


Unfortunately, however, the Court’s unwillingness to move beyond its imperial roots is evident from the decision to reject Bensouda’s request. The ICC has blatantly redefined the notion of “justice” and has been preoccupied with African states while turning a blind eye to equally serious crimes committed by the U.S.

Anonymous ID: 12daf4 April 19, 2019, 2:39 p.m. No.6244118   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4153 >>4163 >>4164



Sounds like the truth.


Radical rabbi says Notre Dame fire retribution for 13th-century Talmud burning


Shlomo Aviner, who moved to Israel from France in the 1960s, suggests fire that gutted iconic church may have been divine retribution for burning of Jewish manuscripts in 1242


A prominent religious-Zionist rabbi known for his extremist views suggested on Wednesday that the fire that gutted the famed Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris earlier this week may have been divine retribution for the mass-burning of Talmud volumes by French Catholic priests in the city eight centuries earlier.


Rabbi Shlomo Aviner, the rabbi of the Beit El settlement and head of the Ateret Yerushalayim yeshiva, said that Jews should not commit arson against churches, but also that there was no duty to be saddened by the fire, which gutted the famed 12th-century cathedral.


He made the comments to the religious-Zionist website Srugim as part of a question-and-answer column (Hebrew).

Anonymous ID: 12daf4 April 19, 2019, 2:43 p.m. No.6244165   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4175


yeah well we are all hoping this is a ploy to get close enough to them so the godfather 3 thing can happen


Otherwise he's cabal and the mil will take care of things

Anonymous ID: 12daf4 April 19, 2019, 2:44 p.m. No.6244183   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4308

US-North Korea Summit 3.0? Pyongyang Accuses Pompeo and Bolton of Creating “An Atmosphere of Hostility and Mistrust”


Days earlier, Trump said a third summit with North Korean leader Kim Jong-un would be a good idea.


Two earlier ones achieved virtually nothing toward stepping back from the brink on the Korean peninsula toward regional peace, stability, and normalized bilateral relations.


Pyongyang knows what it’s up against in dealing with the most hardline regime in US history. It doesn’t negotiate. It demands, notably what extremists Pompeo and Bolton are all about.


In early April, Kim Jong-un said a third summit with Trump like failure in Hanoi “is not inviting to us.” It ended abruptly with no resolution of major differences, no final statement.


Negotiations broke down because of unacceptable Trump regime demands in return for hollow promises alone, no show of good faith against the backdrop of DLT’s pullout from the JCPOA nuclear deal with Iran and 1987 INF Treaty with Russia – based on Big Lies when announced.


Kim asked Trump for partial sanctions relief alone, wanting only those affecting North Korea’s economy lifted – yet was turned down because Pompeo and Bolton rejected the concession, showing the futility of negotiating with US hardliners.


Following the failed Hanoi summit, Vice Foreign Minister Choe Son Hui said “(w)e have no intention to yield to the (one-sided) US demands in any form, nor are we willing to engage in negotiations of this kind,” adding:


Pompeo and Bolton “created the atmosphere of hostility and mistrust and, therefore, obstructed the constructive effort for negotiations between the supreme leaders of North Korea and the United States.”