Anonymous ID: 712716 April 19, 2019, 2:55 p.m. No.6244307   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>Cartels know that would cost them bigly, so is it really the cartels doing the blockade?


The cayote scam has gotten out of their hands vis-a-vis central America. It's a low profit trade, but as long as it's a trickle, it provides nice cover/decoys(chaff) for the high profit human smuggling/drug trade and other asundry rackets.

They're operators in CA may be involved in these massive illegal caravans, but the top brass knows they aren't paying for these kind of in your face ops cuz it's bad for bidness.

So it makes sence to disrupt it where they have a lot of assets and thugs until they can figure out how to respond in CA, without starting a gang war with MS13.


Looks like the Mexicans are making a down payment on the wall.