Anonymous ID: 9e8104 April 19, 2019, 2:22 p.m. No.6243926   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3936 >>3941


fight over impeachment "would play directly into the president's strength. … He can say there was no collusion. He can use Barr's statements … to back him up

Anonymous ID: 9e8104 April 19, 2019, 2:38 p.m. No.6244108   🗄️.is 🔗kun


BuzzFeed looks for Mueller report ‘hoaxes & spin,’ gets served with its own conspiracy theories


BuzzFeed says it’s watching out for fake news and partisan spin surrounding Robert Mueller’s ‘Russiagate’ report. Readers sent in prime examples – BuzzFeed’s own ‘scoops’ on the Steele dossier and Michael Cohen.

BuzzFeed reporter Jane Lytvynenko tweeted to announce the news of the hunt almost immediately after the report’s release on Thursday, encouraging readers to say something if they see something that would constitute “disinformation, hoaxes, conspiracies and hyperpartisan spin surrounding the Mueller report.”

Indeed, BuzzFeed should know something about hyperpartisan conspiracies as, afterall, it published the Steele dossier – a DNC-commissioned paper written by ex-MI6 spy Christopher Steele – which included salacious allegations against US President Donald Trump and served to give a massive push to ‘Russiagate’ hysteria. Steele recently admitted, over two years after the report’s damage had been done, he had used unverified sources from the internet in its creation.


It was also BuzzFeed that reported earlier this year that Trump directly instructed his attorney Michael Cohen to lie to Congress about his plans to build a Trump Tower property in Moscow. That ‘scoop’ was bad enough in that Mueller himself – who is not known as a Trump sympathizer to say the least – denied it.

Anonymous ID: 9e8104 April 19, 2019, 2:40 p.m. No.6244125   🗄️.is 🔗kun


MSM defends ‘extremely accurate’ Russiagate coverage despite Mueller report


Even with the ‘Russian collusion’ narrative buried by the Mueller report, some mainstream journalists have come out to claim their anti-Trump coverage was backed up by the report. Were they reading a different report?

The Mueller report, CNN’s Shimon Prokupecz said on Thursday, “really corroborated a lot of the good journalism that was done” during the last two years.

“One of my main conclusions from the #MuellerReport so far is that the vast majority of reporting on Trump and Russia was extremely accurate,” GQ magazine’s Julia Ioffe chimed in.

Prokupecz is not entirely wrong. Both CNN and Mueller’s team shared an obsession with chronicling every last inconsequential encounter between anyone connected to candidate Trump and anyone remotely connected to Russia, no matter how peripheral. From handshakes at the Republican National Convention to missed calls and unanswered emails, Mueller’s report is completely absent of bombshells, but heavy on humdrum contacts.


When it came to examining these tidbits, however, they were often completely wrong.


Both Mueller and the media focused heavily on the infamous Trump Tower meeting, during which Donald Trump Jr., Paul Manafort, and Jared Kushner met with a Russian delegation to discuss US/Russian relations, and potentially damaging information to Hillary Clinton’s campaign. The meeting was, as Kushner told Manafort, a “waste of time,” and no information was provided.


Not to CNN, who reported the “collusion bombshell” that President Trump knew about the meeting in advance, accompanying the headline with the lede: “holy crap.” Of course, the source for the article was none other than former Trump lawyer and convicted perjurer Michael Cohen, but that didn’t stop CNN from suggesting that Cohen’s word could “be the biggest step to date in proving real collusion,” and finishing with the poetic and barf-inducing: “Where have you gone Robert Mueller? Our nation turns its lonely eyes to you.”


Well, Mueller was investigating, and found “no documentary evidence” that Trump knew about the meeting or its “Russian connection.” Sorry CNN.

Anonymous ID: 9e8104 April 19, 2019, 2:43 p.m. No.6244171   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4300


Time for Democrats to accept reality