Anonymous ID: 0d97f5 April 19, 2019, 4:30 p.m. No.6245468   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5694 >>5721

Are "Conspiracy Theories" Tearing Society Apart Or Saving Us From Destruction?


The phrase “conspiracy theory” is often used by establishment agencies, the mainstream media and useful idiots as a tool to dismiss legitimate evidence or viewpoints that disagree with their predetermined version of events. This method of propaganda was not always as widespread as it is today. The phrase was not “created” by the CIA, but it was in fact weaponized by them in the 1960's after the assassination of John F. Kennedy with the express purpose of shutting down rational debate.


CIA memo 1035-960, circulated within the CIA in 1967 and exposed through a freedom of information act request by the New York Times in 1976, outlines strategies the agency would use to shut down critics of the Warren Commission Report. Specifically, they suggested the accusation of “conspiracy” with negative connotations attached, predominantly in mainstream books and articles. This was indeed done through the CIA's many puppets in the media, and the concept of “conspiracy theory” as a pejorative was born.


Through the use of strawman arguments, red herring fallacies and sophistry, the incredible scale of evidence (exposed by investigators like New Orleans District Attorney Jim Garrison) suggesting the Warren Commission was either corrupt or ignorant in its findings was buried in a flurry of hatchet jobs and hit pieces. And this was the goal, of course; to attack the messenger and silence the truth without having to go through the ugly process of directly confronting the truth.


Until recently, this strategy was highly effective. Attacking a person as a “conspiracy theorist” was the only tool critics really needed to keep a piece of evidence or a concrete viewpoint from going viral. Conspiracy theory is equated to insanity, or stupidity, or buffoonery. Everyone knows a conspiracy theorist is not to be taken seriously, so why waste time listening to what they have to say in the first place?


It should come as no surprise that conspiracy REALITY is not something these people want entertained by the public. Conspiracies are a fact of history. Governments lie, all the time, and they have been caught doing it. The media lies, constantly, and has been caught doing it. Yet, we are supposed to ignore this and assume that anyone daring to stand contrary to government and media claims is some kind of lunatic?


In the past 5-10 years, however, things have been changing.

Anonymous ID: 0d97f5 April 19, 2019, 4:33 p.m. No.6245501   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5930

US Calls on Countries Worldwide to Block Russia's Planes Heading For Venezuela


The arrival of Russian military planes in Venezuela in March 2019 spurred harsh criticism from the US, who has accused Moscow of destabilising the situation in the Latin American state, currently engulfed in a political crisis. Russia, for its part, has recalled that its planes arrived under a bilateral agreement with Caracas.


The US has called on the international community to deny Russian planes flying to Venezuela a right of passage through their airspace, following the example of such a move by Malta. Ortagus said that such a decision could help stop Russian support for the country's President Nicolas Maduro.


Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova earlier stated that Malta had refused to provide a green light for the passage of two Russian planes carrying cargo and personnel to Venezuela. The spokeswoman noted that Malta didn't provide any reason for denying it and added that Moscow will take this fact into consideration in its bilateral relations with the island nation.


Venezuela has been engulfed in a political crisis, which took another turn after opposition figure, Juan Guaido proclaimed himself the country's interim president. The move was immediately supported by the US and most western states, but was harshly criticised by Russia, Turkey, China, and many other countries. They expressed their support for the constitutionally elected president, Nicolas Maduro.


Washington has lambasted Moscow's support for the president and specifically the arrival of Russian planes carrying military personnel in March 2019. The US called their arrival an "unwelcomed provocation". At the same time, Moscow said that its military personnel had arrived to carry out maintenance on Russian military tech under a bilateral agreement with Caracas.

Anonymous ID: 0d97f5 April 19, 2019, 4:36 p.m. No.6245535   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5647 >>5754

BODY COUNT RISES: Marine Who Exposed Hillary Clinton FOUND DEAD


Hillary Clinton has damaged our country in more ways than can be counted. Not only did she weaken our country along with former President Barack Obama, but she is also linked to numerous suspicious deaths of people who were either close to her or were close to sensitive information that would see Hillary imprisoned for treason. The “Butcher of Benghazi” proved that she has never cared for the people she was sworn to protect but was more interested in climbing the political ranks. Fortunately, Hillary was unsuccessful in her Presidential campaign or else we would be facing a real crisis.


Hillary’s trail of blood goes back for years, and she has proven that no one can cross her and survive. Hillary is ruthless, and we can no longer ignore her traitorous crimes. Hillary lives by the motto, “dead men tell no tales” and will stop at nothing to keep her name cleared. James Dolan is just another in the long list of names that Hillary has silenced. Dolan worked with WikiLeaks as a collaborator and co-creator of technology that allowed WikiLeaks to obtain and publish the DNC leaks and Podesta emails.


According to Freedom of the Press:


It was with an extremely heavy heart that we recently learned our friend and former colleague James Dolan—one of the co-creators of SecureDrop and Freedom of the Press Foundation’s first full-time employee—took his own life over the holidays. He was 36.


In 2012, James worked with Aaron Swartz and journalist Kevin Poulsen to build the original prototype of SecureDrop, the open-source whistleblower submission system, which was then called DeadDrop. Poulsen described James’s role in the project’s creation in the New Yorker in 2013:


In New York, a computer-security expert named James Dolan persuaded a trio of his industry colleagues to meet with Aaron to review the architecture and, later, the code. We wanted to be reasonably confident that the system wouldn’t be compromised, and that sources would be able to submit documents anonymously—so that even the media outlets receiving the materials wouldn’t be able to tell the government where they came from. James wrote an obsessively detailed step-by-step security guide for organizations implementing the code. “He goes a little overboard,” Aaron said in an e-mail, “but maybe that’s not a bad thing.”


Beyond a couple references on our website, that New Yorker story is virtually all that is in the public domain about James’s involvement in the project—and that’s how he preferred it. James was an intensely private and modest person, and despite the fact the SecureDrop soon got a lot of attention when Freedom of the Press Foundation (FPF) took the project over, he constantly insisted that Aaron deserved all the credit.


Yet SecureDrop would not currently exist without James, and he deserves all the commendation in the world for making it what it is today.


James Dolan’s untimely demise comes 5 years after Swartz’s supposed suicide.

Anonymous ID: 0d97f5 April 19, 2019, 4:40 p.m. No.6245591   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5667

Child abuse


Actress Charlize Theron says the 7-year-old male child she adopted is actually a girl: ‘I thought she was a boy, too’


Actress Charlize Theron says that her seven-year-old child Jackson isn't a boy, like she originally thought — he's apparently a girl — and she's raising him that way.


What are the details?

Theron, who adopted the child in 2012, said that Jackson told her when he was three years old, "I am not a boy," according to the Daily Mail.


"Yes, I thought she was a boy, too," she told the outlet. "Until she looked at me when she was three years old and said, 'I am not a boy.'"


And so, based on this pronouncement from a toddler, Theron decided to raise the child as a girl.


The Hollywood actress, 43, has one other adopted child named August. Now Theron says that she has "two beautiful daughters."

"So there you go!" she explained. "I have two beautiful daughters who, just like any parent, I want to protect and I want to see thrive."


She added, "They were born who they are and exactly where in the world both of them get to find themselves as they grow up, and who they want to be, is not for me to decide."


"My job as a parent is to celebrate them and to love them and to make sure that they have everything they need in order to be what they want to be," Theron explained. "And I will do everything in my power for my kids to have that right and to be protected within that."


Theron officially confirmed the news to the Daily Mail after the child was spotted out in previous years wearing decidedly feminine clothing.


In December, Theron told "Black Panther" star Michael B. Jordan that she has two African-American daughters that she wanted to show the award-winning superhero film.


Theron, who grew up in South Africa, said that her upbringing helped mold her into the person she is now.

"… I grew up in a country where people lived with half-truths and lies and whispers and nobody said anything outright, and I was raised very specifically not to be like that," she said.


The actress added, "I was taught by my mom that you have to speak up; you have to be able to know that, when this life is over, you'll have lived the truth you're comfortable with, and that nothing negative can come from that."

Anonymous ID: 0d97f5 April 19, 2019, 4:46 p.m. No.6245686   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5864

Michael Pulsford jailed for Christian camp child abuse


A lawyer who represented defendants accused of sexual offences has himself been jailed for molesting children.


Michael Pulsford, 68, abused three boys and three girls while he was a Christian youth group leader between 1974 and 1989.


The victims, who were aged between 12 and 15, were abused in Wiltshire, Hampshire and the Isle of Wight.


Pulsford admitted 16 counts of indecent assault. He was sentenced to eight years and eight months in prison.


Southampton Crown Court heard Pulsford groomed children while he was viewed as a "pillar of the community" during summer camps, at his home and in his office.


His victims described Pulsford, of Corsham in Wiltshire, as "an evil manipulator" who had taken their "childhood innocence" by "abusing his position of trust".


One complainant came forward in 2011 but Pulsford denied the allegations and no further action was taken.

'Appalled at cases'


But police reopened the investigation in 2017 when another victim reported Pulsford for indecent assault.


A man told the court that coverage of the Jimmy Savile scandal prompted him to recall his own experiences of Pulsford, who had qualified as a solicitor-advocate and represented clients in criminal proceedings.


"I remember googling Mike Pulsford and being appalled at the number of child abuse cases he had defended," the man said.


He said he told police about being molested when asked if he had witnessed any abuse against another victim at a Christian camp in the 1970s.


Two more women came forward with allegations of indecent assault after media coverage of the case began, the court was told.


In mitigation, defence barrister Michael Phillips said the incidents of abuse were "extremely unpleasant, but not as unpleasant as they could have been".

Anonymous ID: 0d97f5 April 19, 2019, 4:49 p.m. No.6245736   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Arsenic in Some Bottled Water Brands at Unsafe Levels, Consumer Reports Says


Keurig Dr Pepper suspends production of its Peñafiel brand, as CR urges a full recall and tougher federal standards. What you need to know.


Natural foods grocery chain Whole Foods introduced its new brand of bottled water at a 2015 investor event, where company executives heralded the product’s purity and healthfulness.


“It naturally flows out of the ground,” chief operating officer A.C. Gallo said about the company’s spring in Council, Idaho, according to a published transcript on its website. “We built, actually, a spring house over it so we can let the water go down to the bottling plant. It’s amazingly pristine water.”


Yet from late 2016 to early 2017, Starkey Water—the name of Whole Foods’ brand—recalled more than 2,000 cases of water after tests by regulators showed an impermissible level of arsenic beyond the federally mandated threshold of 10 parts per billion. A year later, Whole Foods’ internal testing showed results that were just under the federal limit but still at levels that pose risks if regularly consumed, according to growing research and independent experts, including Consumer Reports’ scientists.


Over the past few years, as consumers have worried more about the quality of municipal tap water, bottled water has surged in popularity. It's now the nation’s best-selling bottled beverage, according to the International Bottled Water Association. But a CR investigation has found that in some cases bottled water on store shelves contains more potentially harmful arsenic than tap water flowing into some homes.


“It makes no sense that consumers can purchase bottled water that is less safe than tap water,” says James Dickerson, Ph.D., chief scientific officer at Consumer Reports. “If anything, bottled water—a product for which people pay a premium, often because they assume it’s safer—should be regulated at least as strictly as tap water.”


For this report, CR tracked down and reviewed hundreds of public records and test reports from bottled water brands, and from various federal and state regulators. We found that several popular brands sell bottled water with arsenic levels at or above 3 ppb; current research suggests that amounts above that level are potentially dangerous to drink over extended periods of time. CR believes the federal limit for bottled water should be revised to 3 ppb from the current federal standard of 10 ppb.

