I read about 1/2 of Mein Kampf. It's pretty obvious that Hitler thought Jews were subhuman, and that he didn't believe in Christian charity toward subhumans. I'm open to the possibility that Hitler didn't gas 6 mil. Jews, but not to the possibility that he was a decent guy who wanted to live and let live. The man's plan was to conquer all the Slavic lands, genocide the people, and replace them with people like me. I don't think anyone questions that. If he didn't kill the 6 million, I don't get the impression that he didn't think that would eventually be necessary.
https:// www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Sm8JM-K1dc
No doubt, but all Jews shouldn't get Zykloned because of the Rothschilds anymore than all Germans should get raped by Turks and Somalis because of Hitler
If Q came out tomorrow and said my penis is a foot long everybody on 8 chan would be jealous of how hung I am. The point is that even if the received story about the holocaust is a lie, it doesn't make Hitler good.
And he killed Christians who resisted the nazi co-opting of the churches
bery goncerned
There is evidence that Jewish leaders prevented Jews from being sent from Nazi Europe to Palestine. I think this is mainstream news. If I'm right, then it has to be acknowledged that there were at least some Jews who thought the death or abuse of Jews in Europe would benefit the Zionist goal of setting up a Jewish state in Palestine.
you're right
http:// www.nkusa.org/activities/Speeches/2006Iran-ACohen.cfm
The Zionists, with their secular pompous approach behave in complete opposition to this philosophy and dare to say ‘Never Again’. They have the audacity to think that they can prevent the A-lmighty from repeating a ‘Holocaust’. This is heresy.
Furthermore, as we all know, they compound the wrong of this policy by imposing themselves in a most cruel and harsh manner on the Palestinian People.
I must add that the use by the Zionists of the Holocaust to further their aim of a sectarian State is the height of hypocrisy when one bears in mind that the Zionists turned each stage of Nazi oppression to their own advantage, to further the aim of forming a State. In the thirties when the Nazi policy was to expel the Jews from Germany, it is well documented how the Zionists cooperated by working together – yes together - with the Nazi authorities to evacuate ‘suitable’ Jews i.e. young healthy pioneer material, from Germany to Palestine. Then during the war when the killing was proceeding, it is again well documented how their attitude was one of callousness, not helping when they could even though they were able to. They needed the suffering and the deaths in order to be able to push for their State when the war would end. Finally, after the war they turned the whole issue of the Holocaust and the pity and sympathy it evoked into almost an article of faith in order to ensure as much as possible the acquisition of their State. Claiming that Zionism was there in order to prevent another Holocaust, when in fact Zionism predated the Holocaust by decades. They then proceeded to justify their atrocities against the Palestinians in order to further their cause.
To sum up, the Orthodox Jewish view is that yes there was a Holocaust to a terribly significant degree whatever that was. But in no way can it be used to justify the illegitimate and criminal cause and actions of Zionism.
My friends I wish to end with the prayer that the underlying cause of strife and bloodshed in the Middle East, namely, the State known as ‘Israel’, be totally and peacefully dissolved. To be replaced by a regime fully in accordance with the aspirations of the Palestinians. When Arab and Jew will be able to live peacefully together as they did for centuries.
May we then merit the time when the glory of the A-lmighty will be revealed to all and all mankind will be at peace with each other.