Anonymous ID: 8bffd6 April 19, 2019, 5:39 p.m. No.6246279   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6336

Maybe anons already have this figured out, but …


Comey's "So many questions" and "So many answers" tweets.


"So many questions" was tweeted on March 24, when AG Barr provided the Mueller Report summary.


"So many answers" was tweeted on April 18, when AG Barr released the Mueller Report.


Obviously, both tweets are related to Mueller Report. Mueller is/was a long-time BFF with Comey. Birds of a feather, and all.


Report summary is released and Comey is looking up at the trees. Full report is released and he is showing new saplings.


Old, tall redwoods are powerful, mighty and strong. The POTUS is powerful, mighty and strong. New saplings have taken the place of the old powerful trees, just he thinks POTUS is done and and new president will be taking over.


He thinks the Mueller Report PROVES obstruction. The summary said no collusion, but questionable about obstruction. Final report said the same. (Never mind that the entire Mueller investigation was based on the false Russian dossier and not much else.)


Also, consider Comey's recent interview where he claims he doesn't think the FBI spied. (Though he conveniently ignores the fact that his peeps planted spies into the Trump campaign, used foreign intel to do what was illegal, and used contractors to illegally access the NSA database – Comey isn't mentioning any of that.)


Also consider the clowns in the Fake Media who are doubling down on their ineptitude/corruption and claiming they had it right all along. Why? Because muh obstruction.


Consider Nadler and his looney gang tripling down on their corruption. (Never mind the fact Nadler didn't even read the report.)


Finally, consider the people who committed the criminal act of attempting a coup flying all over the world (to questionable locations, in some cases) as if they have not a care in the world.


What does it all mean?


It means James Comey is a delusional motherfucker, and these scumbags who did this STILL think they are going to come out of this without a problem.


"So many questions."


"Ah ha! There are your answers!"


Except, the world is becoming aware that the Mueller Report is nothing more than a regurgitation of the fake Christopher Steele dossier.

Anonymous ID: 8bffd6 April 19, 2019, 6:03 p.m. No.6246559   🗄️.is 🔗kun


AnnMan is a whore. She will take whatever side she gets paid to take, and will spread her mouth open and suck on whatever words will make it rain.