Anonymous ID: efc774 April 19, 2019, 5:40 p.m. No.6246289   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Judicial [Watch]

plays a good role.

They are the mechanism to explain DeClass


Last post on this:

Marker 1 already occurred; 4pm that day there was a medal of honor ceremony. The watch states 3:05 3/27. An anon from NZ gave a plausible layout of that watch being photographed from within the Oval Office.

Marker 2 is 4/19 The shot heard around the world @ 16:49?

There is good analysis and reason to think so.


Because "Q" said "Find the reflection inside the Castle."

One can reason a literal reflection and another.

The literal one is covered in above graphic.

The other is POTUS who went on Hannity that same day and discussed, DeClass.


As to "control" and what we see and dont see; I think this is the plan.


Originally posted 3/28; updated and shared periodically with all anons "MinuteMen" Who played the "Q Proof Game."



There is definitely an appreciation of history , Specific Numbers, references from culture, that guide these outcomes. So anons like >>6245200 have a point, and that timeline and the release of the mueller report fits in that scope. Note [-60] and [-90]


Blockade over yields DeClass; Family no longer Hostage.


Anonymous ID: efc774 April 19, 2019, 6:14 p.m. No.6246700   🗄️.is 🔗kun


What I like about Napolitano, and Barr;


They are good lawyers.


For them a case it s like a puzzle, a math problem; they ignore the subject, the (strawman)


They fit the case to law and precedent, and then unlike the mueller team; will look to the constitution.


Some lawyers are cynical hacks , and view it ther duty to manipulate interpretations to fit narratives and politicl means.


Comey worked for Clinton WELL Before he was in the FBI


Anon is right to point out the swamp.


I think people need to be impressed with the tenacity of POTUS; Clinton IS silent. All sides are stunned that he's still there and even waived Executive priviledge.


As to JA , a Comment For or Against will now be considered Obstruction. Hell the media in the last day proved it since tweets are apparently evidence. GUESS what the Redactions pertain to :


Im upset as anons are im sure, lets wait; Barr DID argue for wikileaks as a publisher…
