It would be interesting if Trump was actually part of a sting for his 'Moscow project'…
While John Podesta was working for the Russian energy company…
And Tony was making bank doing lobbying for Russians.
2009 - 2013….who was Sec of State during that time?
September 2015
Took Johnston less than an hour to 'solve'..said the 'hackers' were very noisy, which was unlike any Russian hacking he'd ever seen.
Also, Johnston worked for Adm Rogers while he was active duty…
Only worked at Crowdstrike long enough to solve this hacking.
It's Jason Leopold..I know he's a POS.
But this is also the only article written about the guy that solved the most famous 'hack' in history.
No one from FBI has ever talked to the guy.
If you're able to read, you should read the article.
Guy that worked for Adm Rogers is the guy that worked on the DNC 'hack'.
This guy will become a public figure if an investigation is ever actually performed.