Anonymous ID: 8169d4 April 19, 2019, 10:13 p.m. No.6249194   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9216 >>9250

Still having a dig thru the archives on Samantha Power


#698609 at 2018-03-17 19:57:26 (UTC+1)

Q Research General #865: [Comey] is Next Edition


John Brennan

Eric Holder

Eric Smallwell

Samantha Power


These people are all outing themselves as being vulnerable to the coming McCabe information revelation.


We have 8ch. What is their delivery system? Twatter? It sure seems so. Maybe that is what the censoring is all about - to keep the cabal communications system (Twatter/Farcebook//etc) active for their operatives as the civil war is manufactured.

Anonymous ID: 8169d4 April 19, 2019, 10:19 p.m. No.6249258   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9485 >>9493 >>9684

Just opening up dusty boxes in the attic of our archives

What was the thing about the Mistresses of the Revels we dug up once


#624658 at 2018-03-11 06:38:03 (UTC+1)

Q Research General #772: Rally Cry Edition


FOLLOW THE WIVES! "Pedogate - Women Operatives in High Places"


"Alleged" claims - but probably some leads. IF this is credible, then I understand the reason for the 40,000 ft view of map. How do you even begin to explain/illustrate all the connections? 92 women listed, many EU, CA, AUS, US; SOS Children's Villages play HUGE role; here's a few names. I've included HRC's info as listed to give you a sense of what you'll find.


Marina Johnson

Laureen Ann Harper

Kathy Robertson

Elisabeth Freud (nee Murdoch)

Heather Anne Mills

Ann Romney

Lena E. Trudeau

Greta Van Susteren

Theresa Mary May

Jane Fonda

Valerie Bowman Jarrett

Samantha Power

Ariane de Rothschild

Lady de Rothschild

Angelina Jolie

Michelle Obama

Sarah, Duchess of York (nee Sarah Margaret Ferguson - Fergie)


HRC: Revised December 8, 2012 .. Allegedly uses SOS Children's Villages to raise children for the pedophile sexual entrapment and extortion of prospective leaders such as Rhodes Scholar and former POTUS man-in-the-middle, Bill Clinton; she allegedly shuffled patent assignments used to build BBC Crimewatch timelines ('Crimelines') for murders dating back to at least 1984; she allegedly built Crimelines for the 'Songbird' profile executed by a patented guidance and control system in the bomb which demolished the Pentagon's U.S. Navy Command Center on 9/11; she allegedly shuffled patent assignments for QRS-11 gyroscope sub-assemblies installed on a John 'Songbird' McCain weapons platform debris or evidence from which was removed on a Crimeline over the Pentagon Lawn on 9/11; she allegedly engaged in the sexual extortion of Joseph Giroir Jr. (former boss at Rose Law Firm), John Huang (former Commerce Department), John Riady (family partly owns Lippo Group in Indonesia where Barry Soetoro, now Barack Obama, was groomed as a pedophile entrapment expert) and various directors of Tyson Foods Inc., Wal-Mart Stores Inc. and BEI Technologies, Inc; as a patent lawyer, she allegedly assigned time lapse patents for BEI micromachined GyroChip sensors to support remote hijacking of systems related to Aircraft Flight Control, Helicopter Flight Control, Missile and Projectile Guidance, Unattended Guided Vehicle Navigation for Commercial and Military markets for everything from missiles to commercial light and heavy aircraft; as the Junior Senator from New York she allegedly used the Onion Router patent assignment with Sarah Ferguson to co-ordinate attack on Floor 101 of WTC#1 at their meeting the night before 9/11; she allegedly master minded the raid on Ron Brown's office with T-Force and FBI's Robert Hanssen to get continuity of government and encryption codes for D2 Banking and 9/11; Crown Agents' USAID-SBA liquidations; ancestors associated with Oddfellows three-link binder of patents for contract killing; her 9/11 Modus Operandi was allegedly used by Crown Agents in 1836 arson at U.S. Patent Office to convert U.S. patents to exclusive use of City of London livery companies]"



Anonymous ID: 8169d4 April 19, 2019, 10:29 p.m. No.6249327   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9338 >>9364



Been digging on NXIVM most of the week.

The biggest flip they got is the former bookkeeper, Karen Unterreiner.

She's been in there since the very beginning (40 years and Raniere's first harem girl)


Karen has a lot of information and will share it. I think Karen will serve best for the jury when she explains that Raniere was a long time, lifetime pedophile.


She knows about Raniere’s exploits with underage girls – going back to the 1970s. She knows because she aided and abetted him. She knows about Gina H. and Gina M. and Rachel and the other teen girls. She was living with Raniere as his girlfriend. She helped recruit teens and because they were too young to drive, she would drive them home to their parents after Raniere was done and it was their curfew.


How clever it was of Keith to have a kindly-looking woman take the teen girls home. This way the parents thought they were chaperoned by a fine adult woman and not leaving their children alone with the world’s smartest man.


This way there was no suspicion that Keith was fucking their teenage daughters.


Karen would pick them up and take them to the apartment she and Keith, then go to work (someone had to pay the bills) and Keith would have his teenage harem during the day.


Then Karen would come home from work. The girls would put their clothes back on and Karen would drive them home to their parents in time for their curfews.


Karen – next to Pam Cafrtiz – was the best pimp-woman a pervert ever had.


And a decade later, Karen was still living with Keith and Pam and Barb Jeske when Keith was raping 12-year-old Rhiannon.


Karen can testify to that – just in case anyone is thinking Keith will try to claim he was not a longstanding pedophile. Or that Jane Doe #2 – the 15-year-old Mexican girl – whose nude pictures were found on his computer – was just an anomaly.


By the way, it was Karen who groomed Jane Doe #2 when she was just 14 and mentored her, assuring her that her underage sex with Keith was actually women’s empowerment.


In addition to knowing about his pedophilia, Karen knows about finances too.


Karen oversaw the double and triple sets of books. Maybe she is the only one who knows – really knows – how much money Nxivm made. And how much was hidden, how much was smuggled.


And don’t forget Karen was one of the owners of Consumer’s Buyline that got shut down for being an illegal pyramid scheme. She knows the history of the monster.


In 1996, Raniere, Karen and Pam signed a Consent Order with the New York Attorney General. State officials accused Raniere of operating an illegal “chain distributor scheme.” Raniere, Cafritz and Unterreiner agreed to be permanently barred from “promoting, offering or granting participation in a chain distribution scheme.”


After Consumers Buyline, Karen went to work for Nxivm.

Anonymous ID: 8169d4 April 19, 2019, 10:40 p.m. No.6249408   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Time for us to remember where all the filthy Obama leftovers went: to their new treehouse, "National Security Action".


#512552 at 2018-02-27 22:19:16 (UTC+1)

Q Research General #630: Apostrophe Edition



>What did all of the people from Obama's administration do after Hussein left office? They created their own subversive tyrannical organization. (funny how the acronym is NSA)


>Q and company, is THIS what you wanted us to find?


>Notice Penny Pritzker (LOOP CAPITAL), Samantha Powers, Susan Rice, and co-chair Ben Rhodes..what a coinkydink huh?



Anonymous ID: 8169d4 April 19, 2019, 10:49 p.m. No.6249464   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9501 >>9503 >>9514

#361914 at 2018-02-13 12:03:38 (UTC+1)

Q Research General #445: Emergancy Bake Edition



These people view us as beneath them and want to kill us.


Look up a guy named Case Sunstein sometime. He was the head of Obama's White House Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs. He's also Samantha Power's hubby.


I'll let you discover the horrors he has planned for us if the globalist totalitarians achieve total power. North Korea? We'd be soaking in it. Those few who are left, that is.

Anonymous ID: 8169d4 April 19, 2019, 10:58 p.m. No.6249524   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9551

Jeez, anybody got a clue on where to find this Samantha Power email dated on Trump's Inauguration Day?


#355213 at 2018-02-12 22:53:40 (UTC+1)

Q Research General #436: Best Bread Edition


Anons, I have to go to work for a bit. Dig on this Susan Rice email that she sent to herself while Trump was being inaugurated. It was to document a meeting from 15 days prior. I am pretty sure Gowdy asked in a hearing about somebody unmasking in the last few minutes of administration. I thought it was Samantha Power, but now we know Susan Rice was there.

Anonymous ID: 8169d4 April 19, 2019, 11:03 p.m. No.6249551   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9558 >>9564 >>9622



Oh man

Susan Rice wrote an email to herself on Inauguration Day 2016 (January 20) to "document a meeting from 15 days prior)



So Wednesday night on Hannity, Victoria Toensing was saying that she believe the first/organization meeting for the Russia collusion was at the White House on January 5, 2016

Fifteen days before Inauguration Day


Toensing mentioned these four being at that meeting




Sally Yates



Anonymous ID: 8169d4 April 19, 2019, 11:10 p.m. No.6249590   🗄️.is 🔗kun

/smacks self in forehead/


Not Samantha Power, Susan Rice wrote the email to herself on Inauguration Day 2017

Time for bed


Here's the accurate story: