Anonymous ID: ae7073 April 19, 2019, 9:55 p.m. No.6249030   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9062 >>9083 >>9388

>>6248923 (pb)

Anon, what the fuck are you smoking?


July 2016 - Comey holds a press conference, outlines all the crimes Hillary did, and then says there is no reason to prosecute. He is a fucking HERO to the establishment.


October 2016 - FBI seizes (illegally) Weiner's laptop, finding the evidence of Hillary's crimes. Comey reopens the investigation just days before the election SO HE CAN LEGALLY GET POSSESSION OF THE COMPUTER, and then shuts the investigation down, right before the election.


They didn't WANT it to go down that way, but Weiner's laptop had the dirty stuff on it and that was RIGHT BEFORE the election.


You got your timeline wrong, dude.


The reason some of the Dems wanted his scalp is because THEY did not KNOW what was on that laptop, and did not realize he had to grab it. The ONLY way he could do that was to officially re-open the investigation. That gave FBI jurisdiction, instead of NYPD.


That is what the fuck happened.


Comey is their boy, still. Would have been rewarded with AG.

Anonymous ID: ae7073 April 19, 2019, 10:08 p.m. No.6249150   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9156 >>9181


I was watching, and I remember it differently than you.


Here's an article from February 2016. Talking about the email investigation, multiple lawsuits (Judicial Watch one of them) trying to get information about the emails and the server.


Bleachbit story was out (you mean wipe it with a cloth?). The whole thing was a shitshow.


Comey goes on TV to announce that the upstanding FBI has "thoroughly investigated" all this bullshit, and yeah she fucked up but no prosecution.


That made it … GO. AWAY.


MSM used that as the narrative (FBI already looked into it) until the Weiner laptop.


If you are saying they didn't like how he summarized all her crimes, sure. That was a fuckup. But there is no reason to conclude that the DS didn't still have him on the team 100%.


They didn't cut him off. He leaked the memos to his buddy so they could be published. He conspired with RR to get Mueller as SC. They were all threatening Trump that he better not fire Comey, etc.


DS doesn't hate Comey.


Show me the evidence they do.

Anonymous ID: ae7073 April 19, 2019, 10:22 p.m. No.6249273   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9327


They have made a deal with everyone in the case except for the ringleader, Keith Rainere.


No doubt, all their plea deals include their testimony against him. He will no doubt have ties to other prominent people.

Anonymous ID: ae7073 April 19, 2019, 10:35 p.m. No.6249370   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9381


I've seen enough from you. You are the one that says Comey is hated by the DS. You provide no evidence.


I hope we are on the same team: fuck over the cabal.


Have a good night.

Anonymous ID: ae7073 April 19, 2019, 10:44 p.m. No.6249429   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Seems like it went down like this:


  1. Trump announces. DS will keep an eye on him, as they will all "undesirable" candidates.


  1. Trump gains momentum. They need dirt, so they have their contractor, Fusion GPS, access the NSA database via 702, keeping the FBI's hands "clean."


  1. March/April 2016, Adm. Rogers shuts down 702 access to the database to contractor. Shit! Now what? That's when they bring Carlin (NSD) and Bruce Ohr in and have his wife work for Fusion GPS. Now, they can launder their "national security" NSA access through Fusion GPS, making it look like opposition research.


  1. Problem: They don't find any real dirt. So, they hire FBI asset Christopher Steele to write a fake dossier. Meanwhile, they also plant informants and/or patsies into the Trump campaign so they can have an excuse to spy on foreign-related activities, and then "hop" over to Trump.


  1. They leak to media, go to FISA court, get FISA's and the rest is history.


Are the FISA court judges also dirty? Is Chief Justice Roberts, who oversees all FISC judges also dirty?

Anonymous ID: ae7073 April 19, 2019, 10:56 p.m. No.6249508   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Resort town?


Are these recent killings in/near resort towns just more cartel battles, or have the tactics turned to killing tourists?


Haven't been keeping up. I know some tourists have been killed, but is it the new normal?