Anonymous ID: dcae38 April 19, 2019, 10:35 p.m. No.6249367   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9424 >>9510

I must say…

The longer we have to sit and listen to the stupidity spewing forth in the aftermath of the mueller report, the less enjoyable the movie becomes.

I know there is satisfaction in watching them panic, but if this progresses much longer they'll all be able to plead insanity because they're literally going batshit crazy.

It's not funny anymore watching them bash their own heads against the wall.

Will there really be justice if they all just loose their shit and the lights are on but nobody's home?

I guess it's good for the normies, because most don't want to be associated with crazy.

But the cult of outrage has many followers, and many may end up going down with the ship.

It's almost as if Q Team feels sorry for the cabal.

The Alliance is handling things like a calm, patient, and sympathetic parent when what the screaming tantruming child really needs is a good ass whooping.