Anonymous ID: 61ae7d April 20, 2019, 12:21 a.m. No.6250030   🗄️.is 🔗kun


One of the signs of a collapsing social order is when the central government fails to, or is unable to, control its borders. Once that happens, the native citizens are overwhelmed by the hordes of disease ridden, low skill, illegal immigrants who don’t speak English, have no intention of assimilating into modern American culture, and have an open contempt for America. We have now reached that point, due to the policies of the Marxist Democrats, the policies of the corporate Republicans, where the southern US border is now totally out of control, with the US government overwhelmed. If this was all there was to the story, then it would be game over.


Fortunately, the US is unique in the history of humanity in being able to deal with this border crisis. Despite efforts, which I will openly call treason, by the Marxist Democrats, and their RINO corporate lackeys, to destroy America from within, we starting to see the American people’s direct response to this treason. It is a fact that the men who wrote our US Constitution clearly saw a time would come when the people, not the government, would have to take direct action to preserve the American Republic. This is why they wrote the Second Amendment, and armed the common people. Granted, the globalists, their Marxist Democratic Party allies, the fake news media, and the educational system are virulently obsessed with disarming the common people. History has shown tyrants, of all ideologies, are terrified at the prospect of armed peasants. They should be. In fact, I believe the story below, follow the link, is the first sign of an active popular response to the total failure of the system to deal with this invasion by illegal immigrants. The basic idea is ‘if “the powers that be” won’t deal with the border crisis, then the people will do it.”


Anonymous ID: 61ae7d April 20, 2019, 1:01 a.m. No.6250191   🗄️.is 🔗kun


James Comey former HSBC

Anonymous ID: 61ae7d April 20, 2019, 1:15 a.m. No.6250253   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0264 >>0348

Trouble Begins And Rapidly Escalates When You Give A Muzzie A Cookie…


It All Starts With A Cookie.

A Cookie… It's Just The Beginning, America.

Let's not be fooled like the Europeans.


If you give a Muslim a cookie, he'll complain that it isn't halal and demand that you provide one that is.


If you give a Muslim a Halal cookie, he'll demand that you give him a job or elect him to congress so he can buy his own cookies.


If you give a Muslim a job, he'll demand you give him time out to pray.


If you give a Muslim time out to pray, he'll demand that you respect his prophet.


If you show respect for his prophet, a Muslim will demand that you stop singing your National anthem.


If you stop singing your National Anthem, a Muslim will demand that you elect him to Congress. (You listening, Michigan?)


If you elect a Muslim to Congress, he'll demand that we change our Constitution, so we are no longer allowed to speak freely or have guns or worship the god of our choice (or not any god at all).


If we change the Constitution to what a Muslim demands, he will demand that Sharia Law be followed by veryone in the land.


If Sharia is followed by everyone in the land, then Muslims will be permitted by law to execute anyone who disagrees with them or does not dress like them or does not worship Allah.


Congress, you gave a Muslim a cookie. So did you, Michigan. So did you, London, France, Greece.


Already the newly elected congressional woman from Michigan is criticizing Pence for his Christian values and beliefs.


It's just starting.

Anonymous ID: 61ae7d April 20, 2019, 1:19 a.m. No.6250269   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0453


Assuming that billionaires are like the most successful actors, musicians and companies, and only highly successful in a controlled market because of their willingness to be compromised…

Anonymous ID: 61ae7d April 20, 2019, 1:24 a.m. No.6250286   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I'll believe that when I see it, they are already pretty far down that list and have taken over a number of communities, including in Texas which should have allowed that shit last.


Education (i.e., training of animals) brainwashing is very advanced and a lot of useless idiots out there.


You know the story about the frogs in the kettle on a stove, right?

Anonymous ID: 61ae7d April 20, 2019, 1:32 a.m. No.6250306   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0317


Coming together?

We're still waiting for the first fucking shot a full year later!

C'mon my night shift anons - let's stop dreaming and right this mother.


For all your digging skills you don't even know the power (You) have available to you under the law and worse, don't even know how to find out!


I will show you next week…



Anonymous ID: 61ae7d April 20, 2019, 1:45 a.m. No.6250362   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Do you know the difference between a lawyer and attorney?


Do you know how to be a man before the law and file a claim, not a complaint for the wrong of trespass, disturbing the peace, under the still existing (though codified) common law?


Do you know how to lend your aid to the duly elected authorities as a Private Attorney General and bring the information we have scattered through the breads to a grand jury, or give judicial or prosecutorial notice of crimes, thus creating an obligation to investigate and pursue?

Anonymous ID: 61ae7d April 20, 2019, 1:57 a.m. No.6250400   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Blaming democrats alone is like blaming Jews for everything. This has been going on a long time fren.