Anonymous ID: 54b0ec April 20, 2019, 5:30 a.m. No.6251417   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1442 >>1489 >>1738 >>1939 >>1975 >>2041

Betsy DeVos’ Brother Funded Effort to Find ‘Missing’ Clinton Emails, According to Mueller Report


Despite not being a member of the Trump Administration, Blackwater founder, Erik Prince, was frequently referenced in the Mueller Report. While there was knowledge of his meeting with Russian, Kirill Dmitriev, there were other discoveries as well.

In July of 2016, Donald Trump famously asked Russia to hack into Hillary Clinton’s emails. According to the Mueller Report, Prince, who is the brother of Trump’s Education Secretary, Betsy DeVos, also took the candidate up on his invitation.


Mueller and his team found that Prince funded a group whose mission was to hunt for Clinton’s 30,000 “missing” emails. The team was headed by former National Security Adviser, Michael Flynn, and also included Peter Smith and Barbara Leeden. Smith is a Republican activist and Leeden was a former aide to Chuck Grassley.

According to the Report, Leeden thought the hunt was successful, “Ledeen claimed to have obtained a trove of emails (from what she described as the ‘dark web’) that purported to be the deleted Clinton emails. Ledeen wanted to authenticate the emails and solicited contributions to fund that effort. Erik Prince provided funding to hire a tech advisor to ascertain the authenticity of the emails.”


The emails, however, did not prove to be authentic. Prince has a history of alleged lies and half truths. In March of this year, an interview with Prince and The Intercept’s Mehdi Hasan went viral for both Hasan’s strong questioning and Prince’s unbelievable answers.

There were, apparently, other discrepancies in meetings that Prince took before and after the election. There is also potential evidence that Prince lied about these meetings in talks with Congress. More information about the Blackwater founder is likely to be revealed in the coming months.

Anonymous ID: 54b0ec April 20, 2019, 5:42 a.m. No.6251501   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1539 >>1738 >>1939 >>1975 >>2041

Yellow vest anger mixes with Notre Dame mourning: Paris


PARIS – French yellow vest protesters marched anew Saturday to remind the government that rebuilding the fire-ravaged Notre Dame Cathedral isn't the only problem the nation needs to solve.


Security was extra-high in Paris as authorities braced for resurgent yellow vest anger, and Paris police said some 70 people were detained by mid-morning.

Multiple protest events are being held around Paris and other cities Saturday for the 23rd weekend of the yellow vest movement against wealth inequality and President Emmanuel Macron's leadership.


One group of about 200 people tried to march on the president's Elysee Palace in central Paris, but riot police blocked them at the neo-classical Madeleine Church.

Another group gathered around the Finance Ministry in eastern Paris to demand lower taxes on workers and pensioners and higher taxes on the rich.

Yet another group is trying to demonstrate yellow vest mourning over the Notre Dame blaze while also keeping up pressure on Macron. The group wanted to march to Notre Dame itself, but were banned by police, who have set up a large security perimeter around the area.


Many protesters were deeply saddened by the fire at a national monument. But at the same time they are angry at the $1 billion in Notre Dame donations that poured in from tycoons while their own demands remain largely unmet and they struggle to make ends meet.

Some 60,000 police officers were mobilized for Saturday's protests across France as the interior minister warned of the risk of resurgent violence. The movement is largely peaceful but extremists have attacked treasured monuments, shops and banks and clashed with police.

The heavy police presence meant subway stations and roads around Paris were closed Saturday, thwarting tourists who converged on the French capital for an exceptionally warm spring day.


"Paris is very difficult right now," said Paul Harlow, of Kansas City, Missouri, as he looked sadly at the damaged Notre Dame.

He and his wife Susan are in Paris only for a few days, and didn't make it in time to see the cathedral – and their efforts to visit museums Saturday were derailed by closed subways and barricaded roads. "I don't think we'll be back."


But some visitors showed solidarity with the yellow vest cause.

"I am not interested in joining them, but I can understand what they're angry about," said Antonio Costes, a retiree from the Paris suburb of Montreuil who came Saturday to see the damage to Notre Dame. "There is a lot of injustice."

Macron had been scheduled to lay out his responses to yellow vest concerns on Monday night – but cancelled the speech because the fire broke out. He's now expected to do so next Thursday.


Yellow vest critics accuse Macron of trying to exploit the fire for political gain – one group marching Saturday even accused Macon of "burning down Notre Dame."

Some prominent yellow vest figures who had stopped protesting recently said they'd return to the streets Saturday, out of an even greater sense of being overlooked since the Notre Dame tragedy.

Anti-rich messages have flourished on social media in recent days as yellow vest protesters exhorted wealthy donors to be more generous with France's underclass.

Anonymous ID: 54b0ec April 20, 2019, 5:47 a.m. No.6251542   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I have known about it for years, and still have a very hard time digesting that it really is/was happening.

It's no wonder the normies think I am crazy when I try to tell them. I have resorted to just keeping my mouth shut anymore.

But I worry about this too. I worry those evildoers will never get justice they deserve.

Anonymous ID: 54b0ec April 20, 2019, 5:53 a.m. No.6251582   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1597 >>1738 >>1939 >>1975 >>2041

Boy, 14, missing since weekend found buried on Ohio farm


CARROLLTON, Ohio (AP) — Authorities say the body of a 14-year-old boy reported missing Sunday has been found in a shallow grave on a northeast Ohio farm.


The Carroll County sheriff, prosecutor and coroner didn’t provide any details at a news conference Friday afternoon about how Jonathon Minard died, or whether there were suspects in his death. Investigators found his body Friday morning at a Washington Township farm, roughly 90 miles southeast of Cleveland.


Jonathon was last seen Saturday at a New Harrisburg farm where he helps milk cows at a farm owned by a friend’s father. Investigators were told Jonathon complained about a toothache and said he’d call his mother at the friend’s house to pick him up.


Sheriff Dale Williams said earlier this week the mother didn’t receive a call.

Anonymous ID: 54b0ec April 20, 2019, 6:27 a.m. No.6251813   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1870 >>1920 >>1939 >>1975 >>2041

Planned Parenthood kept aborted babies alive to harvest organs, ex-technician says


In an undercover video released Wednesday, a former technician for a tissue-harvesting company details how an aborted baby was kept alive so that its heart could be harvested at a California Planned Parenthood facility, raising more legal questions about the group’s practices.

Holly O’Donnell, a former blood and tissue procurement technician for the biotech startup StemExpress, also said she was asked to harvest an intact brain from the late-term, male fetus whose heart was still beating after the abortion.

A StemExpress supervisor “gave me the scissors and told me that I had to cut down the middle of the face. And I can’t even describe what that feels like,” said Ms. O’Donnell, who has been featured in earlier videos by the Center for Medical Progress, a pro-life group that previously had released six undercover clips involving Planned Parenthood personnel and practices.

David Daleiden, the video project leader, said the undercover footage and interviews show that fetuses are sometimes delivered “intact and alive” before their organs are harvested.


The federal Born-Alive Infants Protection Act of 2002 says that when a child is born alive, including having a beating heart, he or she is a legal person and has a right to lifesaving medical care. California law also prohibits any kind of experimentation on a fetus with a discernible heartbeat, said the Center for Medical Progress, which is calling for the federal government to cease its $500 million a year support to Planned Parenthood and for it to be investigated.

“Today’s video is especially gruesome, and it shows, once again, the barbarity of what takes place at Planned Parenthood clinics across the country,” said Rep. Joseph R. Pitts, Pennsylvania Republican and chairman of the House Energy and Commerce subcommittee on health, one of several congressional panels investigating Planned Parenthood.

Rep. Jason Chaffetz, Utah Republican and chairman of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, said Wednesday that all the videos are “disturbing,” and his committee’s investigation will look into whether “any federal funding supported transactions involving fetal tissue.”

“Top-level employees of Planned Parenthood admit to changing their procedures to harvest intact bodies of unborn children for body-part trafficking,” said Rep. Trent Franks, Arizona Republican and chairman of the House Judiciary subcommittee on the Constitution and civil justice.


Mr. Franks and House Judiciary Committee Chairman Bob Goodlatte, Virginia Republican, also said Wednesday that they have written to 58 Planned Parenthood affiliates. They are seeking 10 years of data about all abortions, late-term abortions, “born-alive” infants, fetal tissue collections and any modifications of abortion techniques to “increase the odds of preserving intact fetal tissue and organs.”

Five states — Louisiana, Alabama, Arkansas, Utah and New Hampshire — already have defunded Planned Parenthood.

A request for comment from Planned Parenthood Federation of America about the new video was not immediately available, but the nonprofit organization has denounced earlier undercover videos as fraudulent and misleading.

“These extremists show a total lack of compassion and dignity for women’s most personal medical decisions,” Dawn Laguens, executive vice president of Planned Parenthood, said earlier this month after a video release.

Meanwhile, pro-life groups are using the videos to step up their calls for investigations and defunding of Planned Parenthood.

Rallies and protests at nearly 300 Planned Parenthood clinics are planned for Saturday.

On Wednesday, Reuters/Ipsos released a rolling poll of hundreds of people that found stable support for federal funding of Planned Parenthood. Between Aug. 13 and Aug. 18, about 54 percent of Americans consistently said they support taxpayer funding for the reproductive health and abortion group. Federal funds are not permitted to be used for abortions except in cases of rape, incest or endangerment of the life of the mother. But when pollsters changed their question and asked a smaller sample of people for their views on “current efforts” to defund Planned Parenthood, the rolling poll showed a shift: Those who agreed that Planned Parenthood should be defunded grew to 39 percent, while those opposing defunding shrank to 34 percent; another 27 percent said they didn’t know.

The Reuters/Ipsos poll further asked people if the undercover videos had affected their views on Planned Parenthood or abortion. The rolling poll found that 45 percent of people said the videos made them “more negative” about Planned Parenthood, while 33 percent said it hadn’t changed their views, 19 percent said it made them “more positive,” and 3 percent said they didn’t know.


Anonymous ID: 54b0ec April 20, 2019, 6:38 a.m. No.6251879   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Tear gas is thrown as weekend 23 of yellow vest protests begin in Paris.


It's the first set of protests since the #NotreDame fire.

Anonymous ID: 54b0ec April 20, 2019, 6:42 a.m. No.6251911   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1971


It really is all so sickening, isn't it?

Recently there was news in my town about the gov't no longer funding PP. There were posts on facebook about it, and I was shocked and horrified at the comments

from people I know!! I could not believe how incredibly stupid and naive they were!

Their comments just went on and on how "Trump" wanted to take away women's health care.

Abortion is NOT HEALTH CARE!!

Anonymous ID: 54b0ec April 20, 2019, 6:56 a.m. No.6252021   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I agree with the CBD oil and Turmeric treatment.


I trust veterinarians as much as I trust medical doctors. which is zero


My sauce: lost 2 5 y/o dogs to cancer, per our veterinarian.