Anonymous ID: 0435cd April 20, 2019, 7:14 a.m. No.6252158   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>2170

'It makes me sick you could've been POTUS': Huckabee lashes out his 2008 GOP candidate rival Romney after he 'begged Trump for Secretary of State' but said he was 'sickened by White House's dishonesty' in Mueller probe

Former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee has lashed out at Mitt Romney after he blasted President Donald Trump for his 'appalling' conduct revealed in the Robert Mueller report.

Huckabee retweeted a post where Utah senator Romney said he was 'sickened by the dishonesty' in reference to the investigation into possible collusion with the Russians in the 2016 election, adding that he felt similarly about Romney's running for president in 2012.


'Know what makes me sick, Mitt? Not how disingenuous you were to take @realDonaldTrump $ and then 4 yrs later jealously trash him & then love him again when you begged to be Sec of State, but makes me sick that you got GOP nomination and could have been @POTUS,' Huckabee posted to his 1.27 million Twitter followers on Friday.

Huckabee didn't stop there about Romney who was the 70th governor of Massachusetts from 2003 to 2007.

He later added more insult about Romney on the micro-blogging website when he shared an article claiming Trump's reactions to the probe were 'nothing but a president frustrated at being wrong accused and wrongly investigated over a very effective hoax'.

Huckabee tagged along to a link to the article: 'There were some Republicans (like Mitt) who really didn't understand what the Mueller report revealed.'


Huckabee was a candidate in the Republican presidential primaries in 2016, Trump's election year, and 2008 when Romney also ran. Throughout primaries, he and John McCain accused Romney of flip-flopping with his policies and McCain ultimately succeeded as presidential candidate. McCain had Romney on a shortlist for Vice President but ultimately went with Sarah Palin and they lost to Barack Obama.

But Huckabee seemingly denied a tweet saying that Huckabee and Romney were 'bitter rivals'.

'More context-rivals in 08 for sure but in 2012 I campaigned across USA for him, spoke for him at RNC,' Huckabee tweeted Saturday. 'He doesn't have to like @realDonaldTrump as a lot of elitists don't. But we need flip-flops on the beach, not in the Senate.'

While most Republicans declined to comment on the explosive Special Counsel report, Romney on Friday chastised the GOP president and senior White House officials caught misleading the public.


'I am sickened at the extent and pervasiveness of dishonesty and misdirection by individuals in the highest office of the land, including the president,' Romney said in a Twitter statement.

'I am also appalled that, among other things, fellow citizens working in a campaign for president welcomed help from Russia – including information that had been illegally obtained, that none of them acted to inform American law enforcement and that the campaign chairman was actively promoting Russian interests in Ukraine.'


Romney, who in 2016 vied with Trump for the Republican presidential nomination, was alone among Republicans in criticizing the White House for its behavior.

Trump declared victory and exoneration after the report, and later labeled Mueller's work 'total bulls**t.'

'Reading the report is a sobering revelation of how far we have strayed from the aspirations and principles of the founders' of the United States, Romney said.

He seemed to be referring to glaring errors that Sarah Sanders, the White House press secretary, made among others. She admitted to the Mueller that she was wrong to say that 'countless' FBI agents told her they wanted James Comey fired.

Anonymous ID: 0435cd April 20, 2019, 8:18 a.m. No.6252713   🗄️.is đź”—kun

Muslim groups aim to get 5,000 muslims to run for office in 2020


After Donald Trump won the 2016 Presidential Election, Over 100 muslims throughout the U.S. decided to run for office to fight against Trump and his policies. In the 2018 election we seen what some called the “muslim wave,” with more muslim candidates than ever running in the U.S. elections. Many of those candidates won.


With organizations put together to help muslims run in elections, the number of muslim candidates in the U.S. is soaring.

Some muslim groups are aiming to get 5,000 muslims to run for office in the 2020 election.


A member of CAIR-Arizona’s Board of Directors, Imraan Siddiqi, took to Twitter to suggest that 5,000 muslims should run for office in 2020. Siddiqi, who is a writer and activist who specializes on documenting Islamophobia, tweeted:

We need like 5,000 Muslims to run for office this next cycle to short-circuit the bigots’ power-grid.


This was a perfect test case for what the system is designed to do to Muslim candidates – and Ilhan is bearing the brunt of the entire political system on her shoulders.


We can call it: “Inshallah-palooza 2020.”

Siddiqi’s tweet was retweeted by Jetpac, an organization that seeks to help Muslims win elections at all levels of the Government.


Along with the retweet, Jetpac wrote:


We would love the capacity to do this, and we welcome others to join us in trying

Jetpac also shared Siddiqi’s tweet on Facebook, writing:


“If you thought 2018 was a landmark year for American Muslim representation you’re going to be amazed by 2020.” — Shaun Kennedy, Executive Director of Jetpac at the 2019 Fellowship Banquet.