Anonymous ID: 389d56 April 20, 2019, 7:07 a.m. No.6252104   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2112 >>2149

Sundance Finds Buzzfeed Reporters Admitting FBI Leaked Confidential Reports to Media During Investigation


Rank and Vile – Absolute Proof Mueller FBI Investigators Leaked Investigative Documents to Media

Whiskey – Tango – Foxtrot!!


There has been a widespread media claim for two years that Robert Mueller’s special counsel team never leaked. However, today, while entirely obfuscating the lede aspect to their admission/story, Buzzfeed News outlines how FBI agents assigned to Robert Mueller’s team actually leaked documents from their investigation to the media…..


This admission is stunning…. I don’t even think Buzzfeed realizes what they are admitting to here. It’s in these paragraphs (emphasis mine):


(Buzzfeed) […] I’d also like to share an accounting of how we came to our characterization, to give our audience and people who reasonably raised questions about our reporting as much information as possible about how the story came to be.


Our story was based on detailed information from senior law enforcement sources. That reporting included documents — specifically, pages of notes that were taken during an interview of [Michael] Cohen by the FBI.

Anonymous ID: 389d56 April 20, 2019, 7:12 a.m. No.6252147   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2161

Sundance Finds More Evidence Mueller Team Leaked the Mueller Report to Media in Advance Of Release to the Public


Oddly Enough, Jake Tapper is Not Lying Here

Posted by sundance

The video snippet below shows within 10 minutes after the 448-page Robert Mueller report was publicly released, Jake Tapper identifies two reporters, Laura Jarrett and Manu Raju, who Tapper says have “read the report


It’s almost guaranteed Jake Tapper is not lying in that segment. Yes, it is impossible for two journalists to read 448 pages of the report and prepare to discuss it within minutes… but that’s not what they did.


The Mueller people who wrote that report; the same Mueller people who tipped off CNN to the raid on Roger Stone; the same Mueller people who coordinated leaks to Buzzfeed, New York Times and Washington Post; almost certainly gave copies of the full and unredacted report to their media allies well in advance of AG Barr’s formal release.

Anonymous ID: 389d56 April 20, 2019, 7:17 a.m. No.6252187   🗄️.is 🔗kun


What’s even funnier the OIG is going to be now tasked with another portion of the investigation, even after it came out in the prior report of other leakers in FBI, low and behold shucks, more media leaks! Maybe that’s one reason why they released the full report, to catch more criminals

Anonymous ID: 389d56 April 20, 2019, 7:24 a.m. No.6252236   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2256 >>2390

Women Patriots, You Go Girls


Sisterhood of the Gun Feature: What I saw at A Girl & A Gun's 2019 national conference

BY: Stephen Gutowski

April 19, 2019 12:00 pm




That's the word I kept hearing repeated as women gathered in Texas hill country last week for A Girl & A Gun‘s sold out national conference.


And, after spending a few days among the ladies, it wasn't hard to see why.


About an hour away from the BBQ pits of Austin, among the Bluebonnet-covered rolling hills, where there's a Whataburger in every small town, lies the massive Reveille Peak Ranch. It's there where 450 women congregated to take courses from 60 different professional firearms trainers over the course of 3 days. They came from all across the country and all different backgrounds to improve their shooting…

Anonymous ID: 389d56 April 20, 2019, 7:32 a.m. No.6252297   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2332 >>2367 >>2548 >>2662 >>2766 >>2815

That’s the Whole Point, Shut Down Free Speech Of Politically Concerned Citizens


Court to Determine if Contact With Government Equates to Lobbying Case of citizen activist could have significant First Amendment implications


The U.S. Court of Appeals for the 8th Circuit is set to hear a case Friday in which a citizen activist who habitually walks the halls of the state capitol in Missouri to talk to elected lawmakers about political issues was later declared by a state ethics commission to be a lobbyist.


Heightening the drama is the fact that the 8th Circuit has previously heard the case, resulting in a 2-1 ruling that went against the man, Ron Calzone. However, an en banc hearing was later granted, meaning the case will now be heard by all the judges of the 8th Circuit.


For many years, Calzone was also the founder, director, and sole officer in a nonprofit he called Missouri First. His attorney, Dave Roland, says the nonprofit's funds were negligible or zero.


"They don't even have a bank account," Roland told the Washington Free Beacon by phone. Roland is also the director of litigation for the Freedom Center of Missouri, a libertarian nonprofit that works on issues of government transparency….


Calzone's opponents used this, along with the fact that he frequently gave testimony before legislative committees on active bills, as evidence when asking he be designated a lobbyist.


"In September 2015, the commission found probable cause that Calzone had violated two state laws and ordered him to register as a lobbyist, file all required reports, cease and desist from attempting to influence legislation until after filing an annual lobbyist registration and other required reports, and pay a $1,000 fine," according to the Kansas City Star.


Roland says if his client loses, there will be a chilling effect on citizen interaction with their government

Anonymous ID: 389d56 April 20, 2019, 7:41 a.m. No.6252368   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2509 >>2548 >>2662 >>2766 >>2815

The Worm Has Turned, Now It’s Time To Investigate Democrat’s and Their Collusion With Russia Propagandists. KEK


Gillibrand Teams Up With Former Soviet Propaganda Outfit

Gillibrand set to sign on to policy proposal penned in part by a Marxist think tank

2020 Democratic presidential candidate Kirsten Gillibrand is set to sign on to a policy proposal penned in part by a Marxist think tank best known for serving as a de facto Soviet mouthpiece during the Cold War.


BuzzFeed reported Tuesday that the New York senator will endorse a new report recommending steps to reduce the racial wealth divide, including policies such as a commission to study slavery reparations.


"A draft of the report, titled ‘Ten Solutions to Bridge the Racial Wealth Divide,' will be jointly released this week by the Institute for Policy Studies, the Kirwan Institute for the Study of Race and Ethnicity, and the National Community Reinvestment Coalition," they report. Gillibrand told BuzzFeed News that she was "proud" to support the document.


One of the organizations Gillibrand is "proud" to partner with, the


Institute for Policy Studies


(IPS), was infamous during the Cold War for its defense of Communist governments and for its kneejerk support of the Soviet line.


Emory Professor and preeminent historian of American Communism Harvey Klehr dedicated an entire chapter of his book "Far Left of Center" to the IPS, which he characterized as "an intellectual nerve center for the radical movement, providing sustenance and support for a variety of causes, ranging from nuclear and anti-intervention issues to support for Marxist insurgencies."


"IPS fellows have consistently maintained that the Soviet threat is largely non-existent and a product of the military-industrial complex," he wrote. Klehr detailed how IPS fellows' partnered with Soviet-funded "peace" organizations, defended USSR and Vietnam from charges of human rights abuses, defended the Sandinistas and other Latin-American terrorists, and denied the existence of the Cambodian genocide, even as two million people died.

Anonymous ID: 389d56 April 20, 2019, 8:01 a.m. No.6252565   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Good post, probably more digging will expose lots of congress and senate working or using this organization to push socialist, Marxist agendas, she can’t be the only one

Anonymous ID: 389d56 April 20, 2019, 8:04 a.m. No.6252592   🗄️.is 🔗kun


It’s all about Public outrage, if they can’t use it Publicly they don’t want to see it, keep the Public Pissed Off and Angry by Narrative Control

Anonymous ID: 389d56 April 20, 2019, 8:07 a.m. No.6252616   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Why is that post a slide? Please explain how, so I don’t do it again. Is that what you’re saying? All I’m seeing here for the most part is on the Mueller report