I remember some years ago, there was a guy, military if I remember right, who's body they found in a dump and was last seen in a hotel or something and was acting like he was drunk or confused. I wonder what the deal with him was. It was during Obummers admin I think. I always thought it sounded like somebody offed him.
Found it, and it looks interesting.
US national security insider found dead in trash dump
By Bill Van Auken
6 January 2011
The body of John Wheeler, a former senior Pentagon official and current national security consultant was dumped from a trash truck into a Delaware landfill New Year’s eve.
Wheeler, who had served in the administrations of Ronald Reagan, George H.W. Bush and George W. Bush, was a well-known Washington national security insider, who at the time of his death was deeply involved in US cyber warfare programs. He had also worked as a senior official at the Securities and Exchange Commission in the 1980s.
https:// www.wsws.org/en/articles/2011/01/whee-j06.html
At the time of his death, Wheeler was working as a consultant for the MITRE Corporation, based in McLean, Virginia, outside Washington.
Described as a not-for-profit corporation, MITRE was created in the late 1950s to provide scientific and technological support for the US war machine. Last year it was awarded a $375 million contract for “systems engineering and integration support for the Air Force.”
Mitre Corp
https:// en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mitre_Corporation
Well his body was found in the Cherry Island Landfill in Newark Delaware. The train incident was in Virginia right? Might be the same, but I dunno.
Yup, that's the guy. There is also this:
"…and from 1993 until his death, he was the founding CEO of the Vietnam Children's Fund."
It might not be connected, but in light of all the crap we've been finding out about charities and kids, it does make one wonder.
Alois Hitler, original name was Alois Schicklgruber.
First marriage - Anna Glasl-Hörer
Had affair with Franziska "Fanni" Matzelsberger who gave birth to his illegitimate son, Alois Matzelsberger. He subsequently married her after his wife Anna died and legitimized his son Alois Hitler Jr.
Second childs name was Angela.
After his second wife died, he married Klara Pölzl. Klara's first child was Gustav, and then a daughter named Ida. A third, named Otto was born but died days later. Diphtheria hit and killed both Gustav and Ida.
Next to be born was Adolph. Edmund and then Paula was born. Edmund died not long after.
So surviving relatives are, Alois Jr, Angela and Paula.
I'm guessing Merkle is related to Angela somehow, namesake type of thing.
Oh, and Adolph, forgot to add him to survivers.