While I am all for scouring the bloodline issue + adolf genealogies, we are missing the most current topics that Q gave us for marching orders:
Internet Bill of Rights.
We are about 1/3 of the way to april 3rd, and we have only about 15000 out of 100,000 needed.
We need to CONVINCE THE public that this is NECESSARY. SPREAD it to ALL conservative channels you got + social media + friends and family.
There is also the issue with AUS comms and why it was leaked. RELEVANT. Connected to Huma and podesta crumbs from way back in november.
Also, anons need to get on the angela merkel's bloodline genealogy - we need PROOF of this. Evidence will be needed to PROVE it all once it comes out.
Faster we solidify our proofs and evidence, faster we can move forward.
We are racing against ((them)).
Mar 10 2018 18:19:23 (EST) Q ye1fxo ID: fb1a66 618344
You cannot possibly imagine the size of this.
Trust the plan.
Trust there are more good than bad.
The WORLD is helping.
We are not alone.
We are all connected in this fight.
We are winning BIG.
Watch the speech.
God bless.
Patriots, UNITE.
We are together in this.
The Front (nazis, vatican. mudslime brotherhood, isis, paki criminal gang, jesuits, ancient babylonian money changers, hvite religions, pharasees, jews, mudslimes, etc) may change, but ((cabal)) never changes.
We need to focus on WHO is the current pets of these scum are, ALL the WHILE keeping eye on the bigger picture.
((cabal)) designs count on us to focus ONLY on the pets, while we are ignoring the bigger picture. or be distracted all together because the 'pets' are too 'important'.
Offer you can't refuse etc.
Remember that 'offer you can't refuse' is mostly an illusion. Remember to look past it.
I understand we started on /pol/ and have aversion to going against adolf etc.
What if ALL were used?
What if GOOD folk with PLENTY of reason to fight (ie germans and adolf (assuming he wasn't a willing participant in roth games)) were ALL used?
Offer you can't refuse.
Or can you?
What if we are going straight for the head of the snake instead of only focusing on the tendrils and appendages?
Appendages and tendrils must be silenced and quashed, but without taking out the head, some other will take its place.
Go for the main body.
In order to do so, we need to identify the weak points of the ((cabal)) body ie their mistakes over history.
They are STUPID.
They are NOT luciferian demi gods.
They are barely one step above organized crime, albeit one that is old as written history.
But they have a beating heart.
They can be silenced and destroyed.
Unite, do not presume. Contribute.
Fate of our children and families, along with our world and future hangs in the balance, anons.
We need to rally the public. We need to light the fire that got Trump into office in 2016.
We are winning, and winning WELL.
We need to do our part by providing evidence and proofs of the CRIMES and CONNECTIONS between corrupt factions and individuals.
We need to EXPOSE the LIES of the world ((they)) created.
We need to kill them off once and for all. No decent man or woman has a future in the world ((they)) dream of, and are trying to make reality.
((they)) know the darker nature of human spirit WELL, and ply rewards and create conditions that forge situations where you CANNOT HELP but play along.
BREAK the cycle.
CRUSH our enemies.
Stay on target on Q map. Stay on current and past/relevant topics.
FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!