Y'all need to have a little more faith…even if not so much in man, at least a little more in God. Whats going on out there is not just some bad people acting inappropriately, its a global roll-up to 100% PURE Evil. Many anons still don't understand this.
Evil isn't just a concept, it is real. We're not just talking about greedy, wicked humans. We're talking about spiritual warefare too. Demons are real. Satan is real. They are the real instigators and facilitators of what we see going on out there. They've been leading humans into this shit since the days of Mesopotamia, and they've been influencers in every geopolitical 'globalist' power from then until now. Civilizations rise and fall, each one a lot more powerful and sophisticated than the one before, but moral decay and arrogance are the two things that always lead to their downfall. We're witnessing the collapse of Western civilization right now. But we're not going to panic because after destruction comes rebirth.
We will soon witness the destruction of the system that these people have been using to enrich themselves and to keep themselves in power for so long. But it will take time. Why? Because…as you can clearly see…the judges are corrupt, the law enforcement agencies are corrupt, and the Congress is corrupt. Getting rid of the bad apples and resetting the system is not going to be quick or easy.
Q is giving us tips and pointers, but Q themselves have said many times that they are not in control here, POTUS is. I will one-up Q by saying that POTUS is not in control here, God is! God as long used good humans to accomplish His will. He is using POTUS. That is obvious. When God puts blessings on you there is nothing that any man can do that will prevent you from being successful in the long run. They will try. They will try hard. But, they will fail. How many times has Q posted this?
He wasn't 'supposed to' win the election.
Mueller wasn't 'supposed to' find no collusion.
Do you still not believe? Pick up an old Holy book and read it. Any one. The fuckers who you got it from may be assholes and hypocrites, but pay attention to the Word, not them. God always wins.
Trust the fucking Plan!
No. The large number of Muslims in MN are not illegal. They came as refugees under Obama. POTUS said he would repatriate them. I hope he does.
Another reason why they're pushing the tranny thing so hard in the West. They want white dues to fuck these freaks and die off.
1 in 7 is probably fake news. More likely every single one of them.