So…this is what the globalist scum want American servicemen and women to do. Not protect America. Not protect Americans.
Instead, these fine men and women, patriots willing to risk life and limb to…
Protect the globalist scums drug source. Yes, obomber did this. obomber uses American soldiers to protect his owners drugs.
Here's a link to really explain another reason why the globalist scum are so eager to destroy the Patriots that are now in Control in America:–price-of-dry-opium-in-afghanistan–latest-unodc-survey-reveals.html
Notice: "The potential production of opium decreased by 29 per cent in 2018 compared to last year, while farm-gate prices hit an all-time low,"
"the area under opium poppy cultivation in 2018 was 263,000 hectares compared to 328,000 hectares last year."
"Opium yield also decreased, by around 11 percent, to around 24.4 kilogrammes per hectare"
"sharp drop in the farm-gate prices of dry opium, which in 2018 fell for the second consecutive year to an average of US$ 94 per kilogramme, which is the lowest level since 2004"
"potential opium production was at around 6,400 tons in 2018, compared to 9,000 tons in 2017."
"The significant levels of opium poppy cultivation and illicit trafficking of opiates will probably further fuel instability, insurgency and increase funding to terrorist groups in Afghanistan."
Yes, a major reason the globalist scum hate President Trump and the Patriots…they are losing money - BIGLY! And President Trump and the Patriots are not finished.
I can't imagine how a Patriot like President Trump views this situation. American Patriots being used to protect the heroin crop of the globalist scum so they can continue to gain wealth while so many Americans and other around the world, die, to the greater wealth of the globalist scum.
Ending America's protection of the globalist scum heroin trade is just one part of "The Plan" it seems.
Thank GOD for President Trump, Q and all the Patriots battling to save America and Americans from the evil of the globalist scum!