>>6254441 (lb)
Wrong! Catholicism is a RELIGION! Catholicism CANNOT save! Christianity is a RELATIONSHIP with The Most High God! You're screwed if you put your faith in religion!
>>6254441 (lb)
Wrong! Catholicism is a RELIGION! Catholicism CANNOT save! Christianity is a RELATIONSHIP with The Most High God! You're screwed if you put your faith in religion!
>>6254610 I'm convinced the RCC will roll out the anti-christ…but the seat of satan is Pergamos
>>6254610 Excuse me…I mean false prophet!
>>6254739 Perhaps! Definitely secondary issues…not to divide over! Anyway it's boiled down, we are "right there" prophetically speaking!
>>6254799 Happening just like they told us it would!
Why the hell did we bomb the moon?