Group of Armed Mexican Soldiers Disarm, Detain US Soldiers on Texas Side of Border
A group of armed Mexican soldiers disarmed and detained two US soldiers on the US side of the border near Clint, Texas on April 13th.
Officials with US Northern Command told CNN that “The U.S. soldiers were appropriately in U.S. territory,” and were reportedly providing border support “in an unmarked (U.S. Customs and Border Protection) vehicle.”
According to officials, the Mexican soldiers pointed their firearms at the two US soldiers and removed a sidearm from one of the US soldiers.
The US soldiers allowed their weapons to be taken “in an attempt to de-escalate a potential volatile situation.”
One of the US soldiers spoke Spanish and was able to communicate to the Mexican soldiers and explain the situation — both sides promised to de-conflict in the future, the officials said.
Customs and Border Protection confirmed that the Mexican soldiers believed the US soldiers were on the Mexican side of the border, even though they were on US soil.
“An inquiry by (Customs and Border Patrol) and (the Department of Defense) revealed that the Mexican military members believed that the US Army soldiers were south of the border,” Northern Command said while adding that the US troops were north of the border.
“Though they were south of the border fence, US soldiers remained in US territory, north of the actual border,” the statement said, adding that “after a brief discussion between the soldiers from the two nations, the Mexican military members departed the area.”
Tensions are high at the US-Mexico border as a record amount of illegal aliens are crossing over into the US.
American citizens are beginning to take matters into their own hands after the US government failed to uphold its basic commitment to protect the borders from invaders.
More than 300 ‘asylum seekers’ trying to illegally cross the US border surrendered to an armed militia of New Mexico citizens comprised of ex-cops and veterans.
In March alone, over 100,000 illegal aliens were detained by US border patrol.
According to reports, over 1.5 million illegal aliens will enter the United States in 2019 if the surge continues at the current rate.