Has any high profile been arrested yet? 2+ years. C'mon
1.5 years of this shit. Thousands and thousands of your man hours here researching, decoding, talking shit and 0, I mean ZERO high profile arrests.
Oh, theyre scared, Oh theyre panicking! pffft! ffs
hoping but this is moving at the pace of a tortoise.
Everything is tied together but not every instance of each individuals wrong doing. They cant charge anyone yet? C'mon They cant take down 1 single piece of the puzzle yet? Something stinks
Everyone acts like this is dominoes and they all need to be set up before taking out the 1st one. BS. Yall know that a person charged with 1 crime can always have more added later, right?
Comprehending apparently isnt easy for ya. She said disproportionately
ignorance can be bliss!