Here we are, worldwide, considering the murder of our older brother and the reasons why he was willing to surrender his earthly existence for love of us…and yet so many forget WHY our older brother was murdered, when he was murdered and who it was who arranged his murder.
Lots of religiousanons here, so read your Matthew where you will find that our older brother was murdered weeks after he threw the money-lender scum out of his father's temple.
That's at least how long the banking cults have been murdering to keep their control of money and keeping the people of the world as debt slaves.
They killed our older brother because of their greed and evil.
They killed the Czar of Russia and his family for their greed and evil.
They killed Lincoln because of their greed and evil.
They killed John Kennedy because of their greed and evil.
They killed John Kennedy Jr. because of their greed and evil.
They tried to kill Ronald Reagan because of their greed and evil.
They have already tried to kill President Trump because of their greed and evil.
My foolish hope?
Millions - and I do mean millions - of Americans truly RISE. Surround the globalist scum so-called "federal" reserve. Tear down the doors. Seize the computers and all documents. Put the military in charge of protecting the entire operation. More millions surrounding every globalist bank in America and tearing those places of evil to the ground.
Cancel all debt since all debt is illegal. The "fed" is unconstitutional. The actions - or non-action from Congress, the body noted in the American Constitution as being responsible for currency and arrest of counterfeiters must be cleansed of all those who have failed in their duties as EMPLOYEES OF THE AMERICAN PEOPLE.
The Sacred Responsibility of ALL governments is to manage the currency and economy of their nation and if those elected do not have the intellect and ability to do their jobs as proscribed BY THE CONSTITUTION then they should simply be fired…by the American people who HIRED them.
Time for the EMPLOYER - THE AMERICAN PEOPLE - to clean house and get rid of their failed employees and to tell all of them who think they will just take THE AMERICAN PEOPLE - THEIR FRIGGIN' EMPLOYERS - to court to keep their jobs and their EMPLOYER provided income and status that (((THEY))) are pond scum and after committing such heinous treason against AMERICAN CITIZENS that they no longer have any political rights and they can go suck an egg as they live on the filthy streets of some hell-hole in LA-LA Land…maybe camping out on Cher's lawn.