fuck off Anderson Cooper
can you answer me how you agreed upon your marker/4dates/ arrangement with mirror to other side?
if you crank your clock
if you alter your clock
you will be sitting there all there drawing these up again
and nothing would me anything
just a waste of time
yea I read the same drop
you created a delusional clock from it with a mirror in the middle that is a lens
These clockfags come in, say they are multiple people using the same fucking clockface!
look at that clock
you just lined all those dates up to markers with mirror lensing that gives you mirrored markers and dates
you might not be completely wrong
but just look at that clock bro
tell me why you arranged it the way you did
why does one marker line up to 4 dates
why is the mirror a lens
if valid i'm on board
i'm just sick of looking at that clockface
I changed the dates and I can make many graphics with numbers to convince you, for shits sake I get 8 days to manipulate your mind
There is a clock. Not this one