oops, too eager there, Beaver.
Many a thanks to you, Baker.
8,000! How do we put up with ourselves?
Here's to the next 8000 breads! Dig, Meme, Pray! (have fun)
So, up a ways was a kid, dealing with PTSD. I've been run over by a semi, I can understand. But it's not good to live on the stuff. And your half-posts that make no sense show exactly the kind of detail I'm talking about – you think you're fine, all the rest of us think you're drunk off your heiny, or in this case high as a kite. Only eventually, you can't every regain what was lost, only stop being high but you're still burnt out.
I hope you come to terms with whatever damages have brought you to this place, because I can't help you across the internet. But you're a broken human being, and that pot not only isn't helping you, it's half your problem.
No sense beating a dead horse here; we're trying to dig other matters too, not just why you're a mess.
sounds vaguely familiar. trial, if not that particular article might have already been noted?
Anybody remember? Greg-Craig, re: Mueller trial?
>New stoned HRC…?
Seems about par for the course around here.
we're here hunting witches, right? I detect no table in that random slathering of letters by the crony Killary.
That's usually the face I get when I say I want to play Ponyfinder – it's like D&D but you play as a pony.
Ah, well. What's a fur/brony to do but laugh?
oh, excuse me; to do but -kek-