Anonymous ID: 4d21f5 April 20, 2019, 3:54 p.m. No.6256850   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6959 >>7021 >>7273 >>7417 >>7489 >>7526

FBI Investigated Michael Flynn Over Russia Ties Earlier Than Previously Known


Special counsel Robert Mueller’s report revealed new details about the investigation of former national security adviser Michael Flynn.

The FBI investigated Flynn’s possible ties to Russia earlier than previously known, according to the report.

Mueller was also authorized to investigate Flynn over four separate matters.


The FBI was investigating Michael Flynn’s possible relationship with the Russian government much earlier than previously known, the special counsel’s report revealed.


Flynn, who served as President Donald Trump’s national security adviser, was also under investigation for four separate sets of allegations, says the report, which was released Thursday.


It was already known that Flynn was under investigation over phone calls he had with Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak in late December 2016, during the presidential transition period. Flynn pleaded guilty in the special counsel’s investigation on Dec. 1, 2017 for making false statements about those phone calls.


But special counsel Robert Mueller’s report reveals for the first time that Flynn was a target of the FBI’s Russia probe before the Kislyak calls.


“Previously, the FBI had opened an investigation of Flynn based on his relationship with the Russian government,” reads the report, which cited FBI interviews given by former Justice Department official Mary McCord and former FBI Director James Comey.


“Flynn’s contacts with Kislyak became a key component of that investigation,” it said.


It is unclear what would have prompted scrutiny of Flynn’s ties to Russia prior to his Kislyak calls.


Flynn was reportedly one of the four Trump associates initially placed under FBI investigation.The bureau opened a counterintelligence investigation, code-named “Crossfire Hurricane,” on July 31, 2016, after receiving a tip from the Australian government regarding Trump campaign aide George Papadopoulos.

Anonymous ID: 4d21f5 April 20, 2019, 3:57 p.m. No.6256873   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Trial Date Set For Obama Aide Ensnared In Mueller Probe


Former White House counsel Gregory Craig will stand trial in a Washington, D.C., federal court Aug. 12 on charges that he made false and misleading statements to the Department of Justice regarding work he performed for a foreign government.


U.S. District Judge Amy Berman Jackson set the date in a Friday scheduling order. The order provides that Craig has until May 10 to file a motion to dismiss the charges. Jackson said any changes to the schedule are unlikely.


“Given this compressed schedule, which the parties have considered and requested, the court will not be inclined to grant any motions to extend the deadlines set forth above absent exigent circumstances,” Jackson’s order reads.


Craig served as the White House’s top lawyer under former President Barack Obama. After leaving the Obama administration, he joined Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom to lead a global policy and litigation group.


Skadden Arps worked with former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort on behalf of former Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych beginning in 2012. Manafort and the firm prepared and promoted a report concerning Ukraine’s prosecution of former Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko, one of Yanukovych’s domestic political adversaries. The Tymoshenko prosecution was widely criticized in the west as a sham.


The Justice Department says Craig misled government lawyers who inquired about the nature of the firm’s work for the Yanukovych government throughout 2012 and 2013. Special counsel Robert Mueller placed those efforts under renewed scrutiny.

Anonymous ID: 4d21f5 April 20, 2019, 4 p.m. No.6256901   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6907 >>6952 >>6965 >>7008

WHAT A JOKE. CNN’s Brian Stelter to Host World News Day Conference About Why ‘Independent’ and ‘Fact-Based’ Journalism Matters


In today’s case of “I can’t believe this isn’t the Onion,” CNN’s ‘Reliable Sources’ propagandist Brian Stelter is going to be hosting Toronto’s World News Day Conference which is focused on why “independent fact-based journalism” matters.


It isn’t even a sick prank or belated April Fool’s Day joke.


Other guests on the absurd lineup include Julie Ioffe, Karen Tumulty, Philip Bump.


The panel of guests, and the host, were instrumental in pushing the Russiagate conspiracy theory.


“In an age of misinformation, World News Day provides an opportunity to create public awareness about the value of fact-based journalism in our society. Help celebrate by sharing stories of how journalism has impacted you and your community,” the conference website reads.


A search through Stelter’s feed also reveals that he has declined to speak out in support of persecuted publisher Julian Assange — you know, the one guy who has never had to issue a correction or retraction for his publications.


The lineup was thoroughly mocked on social media.

Anonymous ID: 4d21f5 April 20, 2019, 4:03 p.m. No.6256927   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6962 >>6977 >>6991 >>7068 >>7273 >>7417 >>7489 >>7526

The Death Of Education In America


Trump! Mueller! Collusion!


I know: who cares about the education of our kids as the redacted Mueller Report dominates the airwaves on CNN, MSNBC, and similar cable “news” networks?


I care. I spent fifteen years as a history professor, teaching mostly undergraduates at technically-oriented colleges (the Air Force Academy; the Pennsylvania College of Technology). What I experienced was the slow death of education in America. The decline of the ideal of fostering creative and critical thinking; the abandonment of the notion of developing and challenging young people to participate intelligently and passionately in the American democratic experiment.


Instead, education is often a form of social control, or merely a means to an end, purely instrumental rather than inspirational. Zombie education.


Nowadays, education in America is about training for a vocation, at least for some. It’s about learning for the sake of earning, i.e. developing so-called marketable skills that end (one hopes) in a respectable paycheck. At Penn College, I was encouraged to meet my students “at their point of need.” I was told they were my “customers” and I was their “provider.” Education, in sum, was transactional rather than transformational. Keep students in class (and paying tuition) and pray you can inspire them to see that the humanities are something more than “filler” to their schedules — and their lives.


As a college professor, I was lucky. I taught five classes a semester (a typical teaching load at community colleges), often in two or three subjects. Class sizes averaged 25-30 students, so I got to know some of my students; I had the equivalent of tenure, with good pay and decent benefits, unlike the adjunct professors of today who suffer from low pay and few if any benefits. I liked my students and tried to challenge and inspire them to the best of my ability.


All this is a preface to Belle Chesler’s stunning article at, “Making American Schools Less Great Again: A Lesson in Educational Nihilism on a Grand Scale.” A high school visual arts teacher, Chesler writes from the heart about the chronic underfunding of education and how it is constricting democracy in America. Here she talks about the frustrations of classes that are simply too big to teach:


[Class sizes grew so large] I couldn’t remember my students’ names, was unable to keep up with the usual grading and assessments we’re supposed to do, and was overwhelmed by stress and anxiety. Worst of all, I was unable to provide the emotional support I normally try to give my students. I couldn’t listen because there wasn’t time.


On the drive to work, I was paralyzed by dread; on the drive home, cowed by feelings of failure. The experience of that year was demoralizing and humiliating. My love for my students, my passion for the subjects I teach, and ultimately my professional identity were all stripped from me. And what was lost for the students? Quality instruction and adult mentorship, as well as access to vital resources — not to mention a loss of faith in one of America’s supposedly bedrock institutions, the public school…


The truth of the matter is that a society that refuses to adequately invest in the education of its children is refusing to invest in the future. Think of it as nihilism on a grand scale.

Anonymous ID: 4d21f5 April 20, 2019, 4:09 p.m. No.6256998   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7294 >>7328

Christ said God is in everyone.


The ability to hear God defines us as "human."

It enables us to distinguish between good and evil, right and wrong, beautiful and ugly, sick and healthy.


This Divine Spirit infuses human life, according to all true religions.


Judaism, however, begs to differ.


Judaism maintains that only Jews have a soul; only Jews channel God's will; only Jews are human. The earth belongs to Jews. Non-Jews exist to serve Jews.


The Jewish people is the God of the Jewish people, destined to rule the world.


The Jewish hatred of all things Christian stems from this primitive tribal ideology. I would hazard a guess that much of history can be explained by it.


But it gets worse. They need to destroy Christian civilization in order to rebuild the world in their own sick image. They call that "healing the world."


You see, God is their competition. He must be destroyed along with his adherents. In the meantime, mankind must be degraded to the level of - I won't say animals; they are often very decent – Demons!


This is the ideology of a small doomsday cult, the Chabad. Most Jews dismiss these people as fanatics and just want to assimilate. They do not subscribe to this megalomania. They are not told about it. How could they be manipulated if they were? For smart people, I have never seen so many dupes. Especially considering how this lunacy puts all Jews in jeopardy.


The Jewish leadership – the Rothschilds and their cohorts – do follow this ideology. They worship Lucifer and are willing to perform any depravity to prove it. Unfortunately, these lunatics control the world through the banking system.


They have finagled the credit cards of the nations and can afford to buy everything and everyone. They have. "Globalism" is but a mask for their tyranny.


The central banking system epitomizes the Cabalist Jewish ethos: exploiting the goyim. They extract billions of interest every year for producing "credit" out of thin air, something the goyim could do themselves if they weren't so craven, venal and feckless.

Anonymous ID: 4d21f5 April 20, 2019, 4:25 p.m. No.6257145   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7273 >>7383 >>7417 >>7489 >>7526

ISIS Kills Over 60 Syrian Troops in 48 Hours of Attacks


Attacks hit several areas along north, east Syria


A flurry of ISIS attacks over the past 48 hours, which the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights is describing as the deadliest such attacks since the fall of the caliphate, has killed over 60 Syrian troops and other pro-government fighters.


The attacks hit several provinces across Syria’s north and east, with a Thursday strike in Deir Ezzor starting a series of moves which also saw them hit Syrian troops near the city of Homs, as well as forces near the oft-contested ancient city of Palmyra.


ISIS doesn’t control any specific territory in any of these areas, but in the past has had presences in all of them. After the loss of towns and villages, many of their fighters have escaped and blended into the countryside and desert.


These new attacks are being presented as a “comeback” by some, though the more likely explanation is that ISIS is trying to prove that they remain relevant across Syria, and is using coordinated attacks to get a more impressive death toll.

Anonymous ID: 4d21f5 April 20, 2019, 4:29 p.m. No.6257171   🗄️.is 🔗kun

A Treasure of Old Christian Paintings in a Russian Church in a Remote Forest


Off the beaten path in a village whose name derives from the word for “cow” stands a remarkable, if decaying, example of late 19th-century Russian religious painting


One of the editors of RI actually visited this church this summer, and we can assure you, it is REMOTE! Brumfield, in his understated way, doesn't describe the condition of the road leading to this village, but it is barely passable at times. The number of remarkable architectural and other treasures hiding in the Russian hinterlands, especially in the north, is rather extraordinary. turbulence of the past century has left many abandoned architectural monuments in Russia’s regions — parish churches, former estate houses, log houses and churches in villages where no one lives. However modest, they all reflect the history of their area, and some of them are — or were — masterpieces of creativity.


One of these monuments is located in the tiny village of Korovye near the Viga River just off the road to Chukhloma. Although the village name is modestly derived from the word for “cow,” its church has the imposing and unusual dedication to the Convocation of the Mother of God. Within the abandoned church is one of the most unusual displays of religious art in all Russia. On the walls of the main structure, the artist in effect created a miniature Renaissance palazzo for the display of the sacred images.