>SpyGate most importantly has identified all persons involved
No, not yet. Adding names nearly every day.
>SpyGate most importantly has identified all persons involved
No, not yet. Adding names nearly every day.
>>As for Obama’s record, here’s what history will show: In his eight years in office, the Obama Justice Department spearheaded eight Espionage Act prosecutions, more than all US administrations combined.
I vote to give all those accused 10 minutes with jug ears in a sound proof room. And then just start working thru the list until the "accused" just can't lift their arms.
10 minute break/coffee, rinse off the blood, repeat. I'd train like a mofo for this.
Those must be some cheap assed chink computers that explode if you have to wear a helmet to use it. And no eye protection!! Jesus, what kind of PPE protocol is that??