Anonymous ID: f92b76 April 20, 2019, 3:56 p.m. No.6256860   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6864

From Hellstorm: The Death of Nazi Germany

[Relates to rewriting of history and what our schools teach. It was a genocide driven by Allied propaganda. Keep fighting.]


In spite of campaign promises to keep the US out of World War II—“I have said it once, and I will say it again and again, your boys will not

fight in any foreign war”—Franklin Roosevelt had worked assiduously

behind the scenes to bring his country into that war once his reelection was secured. Still unable to convince Americans that a war with

Germany was in their best interest, Roosevelt slapped a crippling

embargo on the Reich’s ally, Japan, in hopes of provoking an attack

and slipping into the war via the “back door.” When the Japanese,

facing slow strangulation, dutifully responded at Pearl Harbor in

December 1941, it was Roosevelt’s dream come true. Later, when his

Secretary of the Treasury, Henry Morgenthau, proposed a plan to pastorialize Germany upon victory, thereby assuring the death of millions, Roosevelt was its strongest supporter.


“I would like to see the Germans on the breadline for 50 years,” the

president admitted in private.


At a meeting with Churchill at Casablanca in 1943, Roosevelt declared

that nothing short of “unconditional surrender” would be accepted

from Germany. Thus, by removing any possible latitude Hitler might

have had for negotiation, the American president’s pronouncement

insured that not only would Germany fight to the death, but it also

guaranteed that hundreds of thousands of Allied airmen and soldiers would perish as well. Additionally, that such a protracted war

would enable the Red Army to reach and no doubt enslave much of

Europe seemed a foregone conclusion.




Well aware of his past, nervous about the impact his future acts in

Europe would have upon a squeamish British public, desperate to hold

an unnatural alliance together, Churchill’s government tried mightily to cover for the bloody behavior of their communist ally. Ran a

secret memo of the British Department of Intelligence to high-ranking civil servants and opinion-molders in the press:


We cannot reform the Bolsheviks but we can do our best to save them—and

ourselves—from the consequences of their acts. The disclosures of the past quarter of a century will render mere denials unconvincing. The only alternative to

denial is to distract public attention from the whole subject. Experience has

shown that the best distraction is atrocity propaganda directed against the enemy.

Unfortunately the public is no longer so susceptible as in the days of the “Corpse

Factory,” the “Mutilated Belgian Babies” and the “Crucified Canadians” [of World

War One].Your cooperation is therefore earnestly sought to distract public attention from the doings of the Red Army by your wholehearted support of various charges against the Germans . . . which have been and will be put into circulation by the Ministry.


[The author then changes subject without telling us what the "various charges against the Germans" were.]

Anonymous ID: f92b76 April 20, 2019, 3:57 p.m. No.6256864   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7028 >>7573 >>7632


[Dresden the day after the firebombing, everything has been burnt to the ground, survivors gathered in the large central park:]


As US bombers began blasting the rubble to dust, American fighter

planes zeroed in on the thousands of refugees at the park, along the

river and in other open spaces. Recalled Annemarie Waehmann:


We looked up and saw how they flew lower and lower. “They’re coming here . . . ,” we screamed. A few men took over and gave commands: “Split up! Scatter! Run into the fields! Down on your faces!” While we were lying in the dirt, our

hands clawing at the earth as if we wanted to crawl inside it, they came after us,

wave after wave, circling, flying low, shooting with their machine-guns into the

defenseless people. Popping noises right and left, clods of earth flying up, screams.

Like everyone else, I expect, I prayed: Dear God, please protect me. A few seconds’ pause, as the planes circled in order to come back at us again. The men

screamed: “Up, up! Run on! Run towards the trees!” . . . But again that popping

noise as they fired without mercy into the people, and screams and clods of

earth flying around. . . . I took Hilde by the hand and without turning round once, without even looking to see how many people did not get up again, we ran.


“[P]anic broke out,” said fifteen-year-old Gerhard Kuhnemund. “Women and children were massacred with cannon and bombs. It was

mass murder….While we literally clawed ourselves into the grass, I

personally saw at least five American fighter-bombers, which from

an altitude of approximately 120–150 metres opened fire with their cannon on the masses of civilians. My companion . . . was killed beside

me in this attack. There was a hole in his back the size of a palm.”


Near the park, zoo-keeper Otto Sailer-Jackson watched in stunned

disbelief as one American pilot mowed down people running in the

street. “He attacked several times, flying very low, firing from cannon

and machine-guns into the refugees. Then he flew low over the Zoo

and made several firing runs at anything he could see that was still alive.

In this way our last giraffe met her death. Many stags and other animals which we had managed to save, became the victims of this hero.”


Although the raid lasted only ten minutes, the Americans returned

the next day, and the next, and the next, seemingly determined that

not a single living thing should survive in Dresden. “There seemed

to be no end to the horror,” said Eva Beyer.




One month after the massacre, the Dresden Chief of Police reported

that over 200,000 bodies had been recovered from the ruins. The official added that the toll might possibly reach 250,000. Later, the

International Red Cross estimated that 275,000 had died in the raids.


Because of the incredible density of Dresden’s population on the night

of February 13–14, because thousands of victims were refugees with no

records, because many bodies either lay buried forever in the ruins

or had simply melted like wax, other estimates that place the death toll

at 300,000 to 400,000 may well be closer to the mark.


[The real holocaust, and many German cities were bombed, firebombed, then bombed again to kill all the civilians in this manner, not just Dresden.]