Anonymous ID: fd6f2a April 20, 2019, 4:22 p.m. No.6257120   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7129

So, a joke to lighten the mood.


A demonrat dies and of course, ends up in hell. He is assigned his jailer and taken to a large area with three doors…

"You can choose the door behind which you will spend eternity, but choose carefully because once you choose your path you will exist there for many eternities" intoned the jailer.


Walking close to one door, the demonrat tried to open it…


"No" said the jailer "you can listen but you cannot see inside. You must make your choice without knowing."


The demonrat listened closely at the first door. Screaming, crying out in pain, profanity-laced cries of absolute agony was all he could hear.


"NO, NO" the demonrat cried "Not that room!"


The jailer brought the demonrat to the second door. Again, screams of pain and agony assailed the demonrats senses. The sikening sound of bones being roken and limbs being torn off were unthinkable.


"NO, NO please god NO! Not that room!"


So they went to the third door. The demonrat approached with trepidation and put his ear against the metal of the door and heard…nothing! Silence! No cries of pain. No screams of agony. This surely is the one.


"This one!" said the demonrat "I choose this door!"


"Are you certain?" queried the jailer. Remember, once inside you will never get out for an eternity of eternities. Are you positive?


"Yes, Yes" cried the demonrat as he imagined the peaceful arborial sward he would cast eyes upon and surely he would be OK!


The jailer opened the door and let the demonrat in and closed the door behind him.


As the demonrat's sight adjusted to the gloom, he saw an immense expanse of…shit, and buried in the shit, up to their bottom lip, were all the people who had thought the silence would free them, and they were all whimpering, quietly, like the mewling of a newborn kitten:


"Don't make waves!!!"

Anonymous ID: fd6f2a April 20, 2019, 4:34 p.m. No.6257233   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7243

>>6256755 /pb

Unfortunately for klobuchar and her sub-intellect groupies, they don't seem the understand the actual meaning - as it is coming from AG Barr.


He doesn't mean it as "the final step the government could or would take. He meant it as "The crow-bar hotel will be the last resort they will ever go to."

Anonymous ID: fd6f2a April 20, 2019, 4:59 p.m. No.6257439   🗄️.is 🔗kun


80 - perhaps 90% of young black Americans of African Heritage not only do not know this they will argue with anyone who tries to educate them on it.


But don't blame them. Once the globalist scum began to infiltrate kindergartens in the mid-70's to brainwash the youngest, most vulnerable of society, we were screwed. The lies and outright globalist propaganda bullshit the poor children had their lives ruined with, is why so many people today in their 20's and 30's are the ones the demonrats and globalist scum have groomed since they were children to believe the lies of the globalist scum, their media meat puppets and the sub-intellect treasonous demonrats.


As Candace Owens noted on Laura the other night and I'm sure she's mentioned it before, 75% of male Americans of African Heritage in La-La land…CAN'T FRIGGIN' READ!!!


Damn! How can we expect the future to be protected when so many demonrats are quite content to keep the people they have damaged in a state of ignorance as deep as the demonrats state of Treason?