Anonymous ID: ff7598 April 20, 2019, 4:05 p.m. No.6256960   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6974 >>7019


so happy picture, record response

super bad picture, record response

measure difference between two results


cant say i fully understand, but it reminds me of the phrase "the cremation of care" from bohemian grove


also kind of reminds of the total bombardment against logic a mason goes through as he rises in degrees and pours over occult (jewish mysticsm) materials


some people may underestimate the sheer quantity of material written on occult shit. They even have their own language (enochian) used to be a video of Lon Milo Duquette speaking it fluently on youtube. Originates from John Dees writings (his black scrying mirror eventually convinced him to wife swap…what a dumb cuck)


these people are weird as shit