Anonymous ID: 0fc2e4 April 20, 2019, 6:15 p.m. No.6258009   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8223 >>8280


It's time to dig into the Vatican.

Start with the bank.

Figure out where the connections are for the modern day

Then we'll dig into the past

Maryanne Glendon is at least a Bush stooge, where there's smoke there's fire, my guess is she's Clown

Michael Hintz-Billionaire

What industry was his wealth derived?

Who has he done business with?

Who has he donated to?

What foundations is he related to?

Why is he a superintendent of the Vatican bank?

There's more members but that's a start.

What about the Supervisory Commission of Cardinals?

List the Cardinals that sit on this board.



You'll want to look for symbolism with the clergy.

Red shoes?

Location of their congregation?

Connections to power players connected to that region?

Dig the Vatican bank and we'll begin to connect the church to French Royalty via Notre Dame.

This is evil itself, prepare yourself.

Don your armor of God, reinforce your soul.

This will be a hard one.

Symbolism will be their downfall.

Anonymous ID: 0fc2e4 April 20, 2019, 6:21 p.m. No.6258064   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8120 >>8185 >>8280 >>8310


It was meant as a false flag to distract their enemies.

It's their Church, they set it ablaze.


Distract from Mueller report,

Real the insurance payout,

Tear at the hearts of the sleeping Christian's who don't know the human church is corrupt.

Give them a tool to blame the yellow shirts or mudshits.

Cui Bono?

The church is not innocent.

It is the opposite.

The Catholic Church encapsulated by the Vatican is evil

Pure evil

It is controlled and has been since at least 220 years ago.

This is precisely what Q warned us about.