Anonymous ID: 1bcdcb April 20, 2019, 5:40 p.m. No.6257741   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>6256927 (PB)

There is already a shitload of money in the business of education. I forget what the total is in NC, but it's a lot … many thousands per year per kid to march kids through crowded classrooms while teaching to the slowest, less mentally nimble and suffocating the more able.

As far as remembering students names, my first class in adult ed. had 90 students. I knew them all by Friday. Teaching is work. I taught 3, 4hr classes a day for 3 years and never missed a Friday. I also typically carried >80% through the window and graduated over 50% … after beating them to death about computer office applications and operating systems for the next 180 hours. I worked their asses off and those high-school dropouts (required for admission) KNEW the material. Folks who had left school early in 6th grade were handling quadratic equations in spreadsheets (Quattro, Quattro Pro)and moving the cells between a word processor (Microsoft) and a relational database (Alpha 4) with macros and hitting the output onto pre-printed forms. "Close" was not close enough.


Stop whining and teach.

By the way, I was teaching with only a HS diploma and 2,000 hours practicum. I was made the lead instructor (there was a PhD in the mix). When promised textbooks failed to materialize, I WROTE OUR TEXTBOOK.