Anonymous ID: 47e13d April 20, 2019, 6:03 p.m. No.6257934   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7951 >>8000 >>8153 >>8189 >>8274 >>8327 >>8341

AREA 17 GROUND ZERO YouTuber has posted an amazing research video on the truth of the Cathedral of Notre Dame. "The other tour".


Comey tweeted a pic in a forest looking up……the attic is as we know is called the Forest.


In a Q post from April 3, 2018, @10:17:28, Q 1007states :





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Well, I am impressed with this Youtubers research. He identified the upside down cross which is the iron roof, a Red door and black and white checkered tile in the Cathedral, the Gargoyles in stone, etc. He discusses the three portals of the West Facade. The center portal of three is the mirror image of itself when looking up….the ceiling with two rose windows are the eyes of the serpent ….a snake. The ceiling arches and joints definitely are the body of a viper. This was filmed with a wide angle lens. I have chills! Everything was in plain sight.


Area 17 Ground Zero decoded more past Q posts from Feb and April 2018 that hits on the Notre Dame cathedral. There are an extreme number of Satanic symbolism in that building. Portal of St Ann is where the pedophile Priest assault children, the Portal of the Virgin is the Sacrificial chamber, and the portal of Last Judgment is in between the other two portals, where decisions on where the innocents are told either molested or sacrificed. These people are truly sick.


Feb 2018, Q told us to watch the water. A17GZ guy compares it to Potus tweet about the fire.


He says there were "17" artifacts saved.

A17GZ also believes that Soros was arrested in Switzerland, in his Bunker Feb 3rd, 2019. He alleged Soros is in Gitmo, in poor health. News unlocks the map.

This 19 min. Video is very convincing. After watching and pausing this video twice, I'm wondering if there is a bunker under the Cathedral or tunneling leading to a bunker… the cathedral is surrounded by water. Did Michael Obama actually drink champagne while on a boat watching it burn??? Where is Hussein? ?? Gitmo? ??