Anonymous ID: da9b52 April 20, 2019, 6:13 p.m. No.6257996   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8011 >>8037

I started working when I was 8.

I started filing taxes when I was 12. Apparently this was illegal, and nobody believed me anyway.

Adults were involved. I learned so much more working for them than I did at the state skool that I scored genius on everything. You should mind this condemnation of edumacation because I am not speshul. I just worked at it.

8, washing greasy machines down with kerosene. 85 cents an hour. Ball bearing machines. MIRV ball bearings.

12 tool cage,1.35

15 MILSPEC final inspection. 1,65-1.85

18 mill, lathe, wet/dry grinder, tig, finish bench.. I made state of the art weapon systems. By hand. Not trucks, birds and fish. Helicopter hydraulics, Wings. Sub things. 3.15-5.

I could have made 7.50 throwing boxes for UPS.

The IRS knows all this because they processed my tax returns. All they had to do was check my birth date. This is your criminal conspiracy at large, right there.

Every penny they take from you at gunpoint, I found a way to destroy. One hundredfold. They did the first 99.9 folds…

Before I was 15 Soldiers hung in the sky and delved the oceans on my products.

Justice is coming.