Anonymous ID: 63d58a April 21, 2019, 12:36 a.m. No.6260810   🗄️.is 🔗kun

So…Do you think the demonrats and the globalist propaganda meat puppets will ever get to put up even a tiny "win"?


I mean, they haven't won, one, really since well before the 2016 "Beginning of the Saving of America." They were allowed - for the most part - to gain a majority in the House in 2018 but that was so they could do exactly what they have been doing "BIGLY" - expose themselves as extremely unintelligent, irrational, rabid pawns of foreign and domestic financial terrorists who have been stealing the life, the land, the wealth, the birthright, the true happiness from American Citizens for far too long.


The mueller Report was simply supposed to BE! Just like shrillary was simply supposed to BE! It isn't; just like she isn't.


Ratings for the globalist propaganda media and their meat puppets continue in their suckiness and laughter of guffaw level is now more common in comment than serious consideration of their opinion; which is all that can be considered since "news" is definitely not part of their business model.


Hope they all enjoy the Easter Holiday or Passover or whatever they may term this time they can use to spend with family and friends…because the things I have learned about The Maestro over the last two years, time spent not just on the present but what he has been doing in his life leads me to think that this truly is a calm before a storm and he is not only just letting them have one final semi-comfortable moment of family time before many say bye-bye, he's likely arranging the order as to who is on first, who is on second and who is on third and I wish the Vegas bookies had some odds spreads of different names, organizations and companies as to their position in the queue.

Anonymous ID: 63d58a April 21, 2019, 12:43 a.m. No.6260843   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Cool picture, wonderful sentiment, stolen for personal use but only because if I don't it will be in the archives in minutes and I don't want to use it.


If it's yours, I'm just borrowing it. If you borrowed it to share…thanks anon!

Anonymous ID: 63d58a April 21, 2019, 12:52 a.m. No.6260873   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0883


And at the time most of the world was evidencing the greatest love for teacher, a leader, a brother…GOD's children…made GOD cry.


As race, we are so un-evolved it is embarrassing.


GOD forgive us ALL

Anonymous ID: 63d58a April 21, 2019, 1:38 a.m. No.6261067   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1070

Uh-Oh! I think I might have over-celebrated 4/30 'cause I just had the crazy idea that the globalist propaganda media meat puppets are on President Trump's side!!! Crazy! Right?


They couldn't be working on President Trump's behalf by the way they are continuing to make him look good, make themselves look abysmal by any measure, as they drag this one trying desperately to find a way to charge him for being pissed off that he was being investigated for a crime that he and everyone around him knew he hadn't committed.


It is making the globalist propaganda media look so bad I don't think they will ever recover. Nobody believes a word they say except for the few die-hards stuck in airports or demonrat bars, and yet they meat puppets continue to not only lie, lie, lie…the spew the most invective vomitous as if they haven't had someone, someplace, tell them about the laws on treason: essentially siding with the enemy.

misprision of treason: someone having knowledge of the commission of any treason… conceals and does not, as soon as may be, disclose and make known the same to the President or to some judge of the United States, or to the governor or to some judge or justice…, now there may be some meat puppets that would fit misprision of treason, but the one the meat puppets really need to worry about I feel is Sedition.


Sedition fits so many of the meat puppets to a friggin' "T" that a stupid federal government lawyer should be able to see that and suggest arrests.

-federal crime of advocacy of uprising or overthrow against the government…

-conspiring to disrupt the legal operation of the government and is beyond expression of an opinion or protesting government policy.

-shall willfully utter, print, write, or publish any disloyal, profane, scurrilous, or abusive language about the form of government of the United States, or the Constitution of the United States, or the military or naval forces of the United States

-or shall willfully display the flag of any foreign enemy,

-or shall willfully urge, incite, or advocate any curtailment of production . . .

-or advocate, teach, defend, or suggest the doing of any of the acts or things in this section enumerated and whoever shall by word or act support or favor the cause of any country with which the United States is at war or by word or act oppose the cause of the United States therein, shall be punished by a fine of not more than $10,000 or imprisonment for not more than twenty years, or both…."


There are, it seems, quite a few meat puppets destined for a possible 20 year stint in a super max and best of all, it's all on tape; so either the globalist propaganda media meat puppets are on President Trump's side and destroying all of their credibility and the credibility of the globalist scum for whom they slave away or they are just the stupidest people on the planet and definitely about as useful as tits on a fish!


Crazy! Right?