Anonymous ID: 2626b1 April 21, 2019, 6:03 a.m. No.6261986   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Should be calld "Cape Kennedy" again

Was this Space X 37 or a different one. Space X 37 glows.

>>6259559 pb

>>6259551 pb

Tippy - Top Easter, this year!


pg 237 A of Mueller Report

outgoing Admin. put sanctions against Russia accusing them of favoring, and helping, DJTrump win over HRC in the 2016 election.


Report writer gives background of accusations against Flynn, who was to be the incoming National Security Adviser.


MacFarland was to be Flynn's deputy and Flynn and McFarland spoke about the upcoming phone call Flynn was slated to have with Russian ambassador to the U.S., Kislyak.


MacFarland met with the POTUS-elect and MAY have talked about how the sanctions situation could cool down.


They MAY have spoken about the upcoming phone call. [maybe not?] [What difference does it make? No answer given by report writer]


POTUS-elect gave his opinion, so MacFarland relates, that the sanctions by Obama/Hussain embarrassed him and delegitimized his forthcoming Presidency; which he said was their purpose.


This sentiment makes more sense if the POTUS-elect was legitimate rather than someone who cheated to attain the office.


A cheater would just wait for the controversy to blow over, fearing exposure, where as someone who honestly won the challenge would want the credit for it.

Anonymous ID: 2626b1 April 21, 2019, 6:19 a.m. No.6262091   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2118 >>2144


funny but rabbits give live birth.

some anons didn't learn about mammals?

Snake eats the bird eggs. Birds are allegedly descended closely from reptiles? Both lay eggs.

right eggs are reptilian related

maybe the humans who strictly have the reptilian portion of the brain active want to do "trans - humanism" Fake Wombs? Have the State / Church care for their young.

Send the young off to camps. Park them in front of crazy YouTubes.

Mammals are supposed to care more for their young.

recent experience,

In the company of the 3 year old, wanted to do image searches to show different objects and tell the names of them. The devise picked-up that it was a child's voice there and started to "push" suggest really creepy videos that "spoke" to the child via hand signals.

The hand signals [NLP, trance induction?] reminded me of the hand - signals done by "Aleph" Rothschild [in drag] via recruiting for a "band" to play at Comet.

Anonymous ID: 2626b1 April 21, 2019, 6:30 a.m. No.6262171   🗄️.is 🔗kun


FBI 's been dirty since its inception.

The whole purpose of supporting the present -day FBI is to keep from over-reaching.

Too many cases would have to be over-turned.

They killed Aaron Swartz and so many other crimes.

We need to be stable going into the future; so it's a process; truth has to be dripped out in small doses so the Country can adapt to what has taken place.

It's very very sad anons. Hard to take. If it was all at once given out, we wouldn't make it?

Too hard to tolerate: the knowledge of all the evil?