Remember that we are CHRISTIANS this Easter Sunday…
Support your local Christian businesses and endeavors.
BOYCOTT all Jewish and Muslim products and services. Stop emboldening those who seek your enslavement.
Remember that we are CHRISTIANS this Easter Sunday…
Support your local Christian businesses and endeavors.
BOYCOTT all Jewish and Muslim products and services. Stop emboldening those who seek your enslavement.
>Partial unity = division. Fuck off.
"Partial unity"… ??? Listen to this fucking, pathetic, little, cuck. He thinks we should rub-elbows with those who want to subjugate us.
Faggots like (((you))) are why we are in this mess to begin with.
Kys, then get one of your neighbors to piss on your your lifeless body, please.
If you aren't careful, soon POTUS will have you chanting, "WE ARE THE JEWS NOW".
Christ was NOT a pussy… And you should not be either.
Christ, criticized Jews and even drove them out of the temple with violence, using a whip…
Moses, criticized Jews, and even killed a man to prevent an act of cruelty…
St. Paul the Apostle, not only criticized Jews, but claimed they were enemies of the entire human-race…
In other words:
Now get out there and be good Christians! ;)
While you're at it… Might as well throw some shade at the Muslim death-cult of Islam, as well.
There is little difference between Islam and Judaism.
Yes… Just Google the subject-matter. There is tons of information of the solar-allegory of the synoptic gospels.
If I remember correctly, it ties in with "fertility", and this makes sense astrologically too. Just look out your window. Has the sun not penetrated the earth and sprung forth life? Are there not buds on your trees and shrubs? It's spring time…
We know that Netanyahu had a part in forming Breitbart News. And we also know Andrew Breitbart was VERY outspoken against Podesta and his child-sex slave shit.
What does this mean, in the grand-scheme of things?
So, what did this guy do to you, that made you want to dox him? Fuck your girlfriend or something?
That's a pedo-logo.
I suggested supporting Christian businesses and services and boycotting Jewish/Muslim businesses and services…
And here your FILTHY, FUCKING, KIKE-ASS, is trying to equate that with pushing "Violence" and/or "Force".
Go fuck yourself, you Talmudic piece of shit. Your time is limited! We are coming for ALL of you.
Christians who celebrate Passover, are essentially saying, "Jesus was wrong, and the Jews know better."
Fuck that and them.
To be clear… Israel was in the News for denying rights to Sri Lankan asylum seekers.
Then, all of a sudden, a bunch of Christian churches get blown-up in Sri Lanka, stealing the spotlight.
100% Israel was behind this.
Same with Jews… Unless you want to submit to their 7 Noahide Laws and be their slave.
Read a fucking book.
I'm just a mean son of a bitch… Don't take it so personally, faggot.
I agree… Both Islam and Judaism are shitty, archaic, death-cults, that have no place in western-civilization.
My fellow Americans… The protection of our freedoms requires the use of force.
Soon, you are going to have to decide whether you are willing to do nothing while your nation rots, or sacrifice EVERYTHING for the greater good of our nation and our people.
Men have laid down their lives for this nation for over 2 centuries… Are we any different?
Sometimes, sacrifices must be made.
>nobody will have to sacrifice themself.
Many already have, num-nuts.
>the plan means a peacefull transition - including justice and arrests for the top of the pyramid.
You are a goddamn fool if you believe this… NO transition of power in the history of the world has taken place "peacefully". You are naive. Are you a child, or just inexperienced/uneducated?