Anonymous ID: c62980 March 11, 2018, 4:57 a.m. No.626705   🗄️.is 🔗kun

I’ve spent some time today researching roots. Lots of rumors out there so will mention them fyi, not sure what if anything is true.


  1. BHO is Hitler’s grandson via a daughter born to Hitler and Eva Braun in Argentina. This daughter, Anna, had the pseudonym Jo Ann Newman and was a teenage lover of Malcom X, Malik el-Shabazz. Jo Ann Newman was also aka Elizabeth Anna Duke, the Weather Underground terrorist who has never been captured. Supposedly explains the grooming by Arab-connected and German-connected sponsors. Obama a German sleeper agent? A Kenyan citizen raised in Indonesia and fostered in Hawaii by CIA surrogate parents. Quite a few links on this one but here is one:




  1. GHW Bush is really the son of George H. Scherff who was an assistant to Tesla. GHW is the basis for the series “Curious George” because he hung out around Tesla’s lab and was very annoying to Tesla. He was born in Germany and is in fact not eligible to be president. He was adopted by Prescott Bush who was a financier for Hitler. GHW is a German agent.


Lots of articles online but here is one: http:// www.


  1. Angela Merkel. Hitler’s sperm impregnated Eva Braun’s sister. Angela was adopted by the Kasner family with the help of the Soviets, the Americans, and the Vatican.




  1. Angela Merkel. Possible grand-daughter of an affair Hitler suspected of having with his half-niece, Geli (Angela) Raubel by his half-sister, Angela Hitler Raubel. Geli died (by suicide) in 1931. If there was a child, it would have been old enough to give birth to Angela Merkel in 1954. Q’s post about German naming practices indicates that daughters were named after mothers or grandmothers, so that could be an explanation for the name Angela.


http:// www. German naming customs

Anonymous ID: c62980 March 11, 2018, 4:58 a.m. No.626710   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6733

In response to Q’s post yesterday about Australia, here is a recent article about Australia’s relationship to the Clinton Foundation.


Australian Amb. Who Prompted Trump-Russia Probe Has Decade Long Relationship To Clintons – Jim Jordan Wants Answers (And A Second Special Counsel)






My guess is that the donations from Australia to the CF had something to do with U1. Australia have large reserves of uranium. Uranium One has mines in Australia.




Australia has 31% of the world's known uranium ore reserves[72] and the world's largest single uranium deposit, located at the Olympic Dam Mine in South Australia.[73] There is a significant reserve of uranium in Bakouma a sub-prefecture in the prefecture of Mbomou in Central African Republic.



Anonymous ID: c62980 March 11, 2018, 4:59 a.m. No.626713   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6716 >>6726 >>6786 >>6904

Among all the posts Q made yesterday, there was one thing that was puzzling to me. He mentioned several different groups. All of these groups are involved in things that are not good, but I was wondering how they all tied together. Some of them even seemed to be antagonistic to each other. So I have spent some time thinking about it and trying to figure out what is the connection or common thread.


  1. Occult with Marina Abramovich

* apparent connections to pedo rings/child sacrifice

* abortion/Planned Parenthood

* ties to Hollywood and media/political elites

* Illuminati and bloodlines/autocratic

  1. Islam (the video link)

* pedo practices

* autocratic

* fundamentalist fervor/jihad/terrorism

* imposition of Sharia law goal

* want to spread their rule world-wide

  1. Nazis

* MK ultra/torture/genocide

* fanatical devotion to cause and iconic leaders

* autocratic

* violent repression

* occult practices

* Vatican ties

* facist and socialist

* scientific racism, anti-semitism

  1. Vatican

* pedophilia

* occult practices reported

* desire for worldwide domination

* autocratic

* anti-semitism

* past history of violent acts such as Inquisition

* Nazi connection

  1. Antifa (Anti-facist communist)

* Communists also want to impose their ideology on the world

* Willing to commit violence to achieve it

* made use of brainwashing (similar to MK Ultra)

* Millions died under Stalin and Lenin

* repressive of those under their rule

* force worship of their leaders

* atheistic

* autocratic

  1. And then there’s the CIA

* Nazi and communist connections

* pedo rings/MK Ultra/child sacrifice/occult practices

* corruption

* will commit crimes/kill/violence/false flags to achieve their goals

* ties to Hollywood and media/political elites

* seems like they’re working for the cause of globalism and not the cause of the USA.


Trying to tie it all together. They’re separate, and ideologically separate, but such similarities. Q said that Hitler was a puppet. So who is behind it, pulling all these strings together into a world-wide plot?


Jerome Corsi speculated that NWO refers to novus ordo seclorum on the back of the $1.00 bill. Meaning, New Order of the Ages (or New World Order). Is it the Freemasons/Illuminati? Who is/are the puppet master(s)?

Anonymous ID: c62980 March 11, 2018, 5:03 a.m. No.626727   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6755

This was a economic theory propounded by a Get,am guy back in the 1800s. Basically a form of economic anarchy. I don't think it's something that Q is hoping to install, but maybe something that the cabal does.





Anonymous ID: c62980 March 11, 2018, 5:12 a.m. No.626763   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6841

I am not sure what the connection would be except that Uranium One has mining offices and operations in Australia and Australia has one of the world's biggest reserves of uranium.


Just trying to figure out what was the inducement for the Australian government to pay so much to the CF. Where did they hope to play?



Anonymous ID: c62980 March 11, 2018, 5:26 a.m. No.626819   🗄️.is 🔗kun





▶Anonymous 03/04/18 (Sun) 16:02:03 e7691b No.551385>>551529 >>551751

These recent findings concerning the clowns and the bots are being posted in light of the heavy traffic we've been getting. This is more for new visitors, so they don't get suckered into wasting their time. Hardened anons already know all this shit:

How to Spot a Clown:

– Attempting to get a divisive or emotional knee-jerk trigger response from (you) to derail research is a red flag.

– Concern trolling and copy/pasta spam shilling that contradicts confirmed findings is another red flag.

– Using faux debate tactics: Generalizations, gas-lighting, misdirection, false equivalences, confusing correlation with causality, appeal to authority, transference, false precepts, personal attacks, straw-men, red herrings, etc. are all yet another red flag.

– Employing social ethics that are disingenuous, such as doxxing anyone, "reverse psychology" ploys or ones based on lying to the American People; These are obvious red flags.

– Promoting tactics that are unethical, illegal or involve violence outside the scope of the Law are huge red flags.

– Using Fear, Uncertainty and Doubt tactics for any reason is highly suspicious.

This is just a subset of the disinformation tactics employe