wishful part of meh, hopes it's 138 million strong anons kek
Stewart Swerdlow said (in a super old vid of his) that Reptilians were made in our universe by a group of 'Clear Beings', who separated from Source Energy / (G)enerator (o)f (D)imensions.
These beings lost empathy and sought to rule, and were a hive-mind seperate from source.
And that this was the 'original sin', and where these Reptilian beings introduced their genetics to us meat sacks; although, along with modification from benevolent ETs. Hence, why some of us (higher Reptilian % DNA) like to fuck over everyone else.
Shit like this sounds fucked, but it boggles the mind when other contactees say the same shit. Hate to repeat, but Alex Collier, Simon Parkes etc. Or even your local nebeighhood junkie who sees 5D.
And yet the common denominator is Religious Dogma, which cannot be addressed cus ayylmaos & past governments agreeing to stupid ayylmao deals.
What a fucking mess.
i know empaths r reading minds here kek yet it's the truth
If I ever get out of this 3D prison,
I am going to hold both sides accountable.
Those who created the system, and those who perpetuated it by withholding the truth.
I'd rather egg on face, then the suffering of billions.
Future better prove past, or all u hiding behind the moon can fkoff to Draco.