Anonymous ID: 17ce4c April 21, 2019, 9:13 a.m. No.6263533   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3549 >>3577 >>3598 >>3613 >>3742


Does't one's belly usually droop down when one is that obese? How does his droop up? Look at the tie, and his hair…what a miserable, tub-of-lard, slob. I wonder if his hand can even reach his privates to take a piss? He certainly isn't able to see it by looking down. And this is him AFTER he lost weight.


I see a ring on his finger. Wondered how come he has a woman at home and she lets him leave the house looking like that. Then I saw a photo of her. She ain't no prize either. She even looks like she might actually be a man. That's the other reason dudes like him hate on POTUS so much… POTUS goes home to a fox like Melania while they go home to a creature from the deep.


No wonder he mad. If I looked like that I'd be mad too. And If I was married to a hag I'd be even madder.