The Mueller report didn't convince any Trump haters to see the light so what will it take for us to get to the 4-6% lost forever. We are still at close to 50%. The 4-6% must not mean what we think it means. It's probably something like the 4-6% of poll numbers never accounted for.
I found this list of Satanic Holidays and noticed the amount of days labeled No Name
Fixed Ritual Days
bullet Jan. 01 No name (SA)
bullet Jan. 07 St. Winebald Day (DA, SA, EE)
bullet Jan. 13 Satanic New Year (S1; Note 1)
Jan. 17 Satanic Revels (DA, SA, EE)
bullet Feb. 01 Olmelc (S2)
bullet Feb. 02 Candlemas, Satanic Revels (HS, DA (Note 2),SA, EE)
bullet Feb. 25 St. Walpurgis Day (DA, SA, EE)
bullet Mar. 01 St. Eichatadt (DA, EE)
bullet Mar. 20 Equinox Feast Day (DA, EE)
bullet Mar. 21 Spring Equinox (S2, DA, SA)
bullet Apr. 21 to 26 Preparation for the Sacrifice (DA)
bullet Apr. 21 to 29 Preparation time for sacrifice (SA)
bullet Apr. 26 Grand Climax (EE)
bullet Apr. 30 Beltane (NA, SS, SA, DA)
bullet Apr. 30 Walpurgisnacht (SS, S2, NS)
bullet Apr. 30 Solstice (UH, TH; Note 3)
bullet May 01 Grand Climax (DA; Note 2)
bullet May 01 Initiation Night (AS)
bullet May 01 Beltane fertility festival (S2)
bullet Jun. 20 No name (SA)
bullet Jun. 21 Feast Day (DA)
bullet Jun. 22 Solstice 1, Summer Solstice (NA, UH, S2, DA, EE)
bullet Jun. 23 No name (SA)
bullet Jul. 01 Demon Revels (DA, SA, EE)
bullet Jul. 25 No name (SA)
bullet Jul. 26 No name (SA)
bullet Jul. 31 Lammas (HS)
bullet Aug. 01 Lammas (SA, DA)
bullet Aug. 01 Festival of First Fruits (S2)
bullet Aug. 03 Satanic Revels (DA; Note 2, SA, EE)
bullet Aug. 24 No name (SA)
bullet Sep. 07 Marriage to Beast Satan (DA, SA, RR)
bullet Sep. 19 No name (LL)
bullet Sep. 20 Midnight Host (DA, SA, EE)
bullet Sep. 20 to 23 Autumn Equinox (NS)
bullet Sep. 21 Autumn Equinox (DA)
bullet Sep. 22 Equinox Feast Day (DA, SA, EE)
bullet Sep. 23 Fall Equinox (S2)
bullet Oct. 13 Continuous High Holiday (SA; Note 4)
bullet Oct. 29 All Hallows Eve (DA, SA; Note 5)
bullet Oct. 31 Halloween (NA, SS, HS, HC, SA, S1, S2,DA)
bullet Nov. 01 Halloween (EE)
bullet Nov. 04 Satanic Revels (DA, EE)
bullet Dec. 21 No name (SA)
bullet Dec. 22 Solstice 2, Winter Solstice (NA, UH, S2, DA)
bullet Dec. 22 Solstice Feast Day (DA, EE)
bullet Dec. 24 Demon Revels (DA, SA)
bullet Dec. 24 Grand High Climax (EE)
bullet Dec. 25 Christmas (HC, MR, NS)